Monday, August 31, 2020

Today Is Monday August 31 2020, This Is What Happen

 Just finished up my paperwork for my job, usual I am behind. My client are well taken care. Not trying to be braggerett, if there such a thing. Well I shouldn't go the extra mile, every so often we have fun day. But we're not saying anything. Regis and I went out and had cup of coffee. To put quite simple I should just look at my client as number with no feelings or needs.

Also saw Liz and she usually drink six pack of beer and smoke pack cigarettes. I told her she spends just under $100 a week on beer and cigarettes. 

Strange think most people who I know still smokes really can't afford it. 

I was hoping to be down closer to 203 pounds. Sunday I had uncontrollable cookie eating day. I tend not to record what I eat on my off days. This isn't being responsible. 

Not sure what or when I will be doing my youtube video next month, my goal is to do four of them in September.   

Coffee is on


  1. Uncontrollable cookie eating... not good!

  2. I stood on my scales this morning and found out my "lost" 5 kilos has found its way home :(

  3. Sometimes you just need the cookies.

  4. We all have bad eating days now and then Dora, I'm having one today 😉

  5. Anonymous1:44 AM

    It would cost a lot more for Liz to smoke and drink in Australia. Of course you can't just look at those you look after as numbers. That is inhumane and no organisation should expect that of you.

  6. It sounds like you're really good for your clients.

  7. Yeah, sometimes you just need the cookies.

  8. Everyone needs a Cookie Day now and then.

  9. Well done on finishing your paperwork.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Thursday, May 16, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I mowed some of the yard. It was quite breezy today. Then there were those indoor chores. I found a game called Farm Merge Valley, sort of l...