Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Today Is Tuesday July 14 2020, This Is What Happen

Not sure how I feel about blogger new fore mat. Lot of things it getting use to it. I was going to post a little yesterday. But I couldn't figure how to post. Toward end of day I figured it out. Well I am here now.

Yesterday I watch a few videos. I been looking for some video more less who willing to share daily things of there lives. Everyone has oral history to contribute. And we all have issues. So I been watch COFFEE WITH POET and JOHNNYO1300
I am sure there quite a few different way of telling others in future generation of the covid 19. There a group who doing COVID QUILT 

Yesterday was basic work day. Between client I stop down at Under the Sun. In back of it has little luncheon for sandwich and such. I decided to get my self BLT sandwich, my self I like a little avocado on mine. 
Since it seem like most people here refuse to wear a mask. Statement time...I think  just plain selfish. So I found a little corner of place to wait until my sandwich was done. I end it up blocking some guy who was on his computer.
I said if you need to get out I would be glad to get up and move. He said I was a "kind and considered person". 

It been a while since I picked up any fabric from a thrift store. Maybe I need to quit asking my self is what am I going to do with fabric. Starting asking my self "When" and sometime I need the word "How".
My last blog and vlog I talk about how mainly the Raide Waite tarot deck and how I see the six of pentacles.
Well I have my version how it should be done. But I am not sure how to draw it out. Usual once I start doing it. It will come to me. Sure with a few mistakes.

So far today I did.
Spit into a vile for my DNA and I had trouble get fourth of teaspoon of spit. Tells me I was dehydrated, not good. 
If some of you are wonder if I had my DNA done for my ancestors. Yes I did. I was using my second cousin account and he pass away and his son closed his account down. And I my DNA was with his account. They wouldn't transfer it. But instead they send a free kit so I could have redone.

Deer are real hard on plants and we had weeping spruce on corner of our place. Deer killed it and Murphy took the chain saw and took off all the dead branches. Anyhow the entire tree is dead.
So we loaded up few branches and the garbage cans went to transfer station across the highway from us.
They were closed for while. Only open three days a week. 

Scrub tub, toilet and sink. 

Been keeping track of my calories. Not dinner time and I am under 800 calories. If I don't get in 1,600 calories I feel hungry. But if I am over 2,000 I seem not to loose any weight.

Not sure what we're having for dinner. But got some fresh greens from garden for salad to night.

Coffee is on


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Maybe with #45 wearing a mask, other people might start doing so.

  2. Here's to getting more water.
    Stay safe and be well.

  3. My husband has trouble getting enough saliva for his DNA test, he has until end of year to resubmit. I keep bugging him to get it done.

  4. I haven't had the new blogger format imposed on me yet; am dreading it! (Why do web sites, etc. like to impose their changes -- which usually complicates things, etc. -- on people?)

    Re masks: Back in March, I couldn't believe people needed to be persuaded that masks work against the spread of the coronavirus. Now that it's July, I'm often too tired to take part in mask debates. Among the very few things the Hong Kong government has done right recently: require the wearing on masks on public transportation.

  5. I just wanted to say hello ! I am still so busy with emptying the house 45 years ! there is a lot of rubbish !
    Blogging time very reduced !

  6. With all the cases in your country why do people still not see the sense in wearing a mask?
    Format is one word, not fore mat.

  7. Oh dear...now you have me worried! I haven’t been forced to make the change to the new blogger. I have had my finger hover over the button a few times to voluntarily make the change (since I know it’s coming anyway) but I just haven’t had the gumption. I know I know..in a month or two I will probably love it, but I don’t like change!!!

  8. A stash is a good thing. Well, if you use it. I know I'm not buying yarn right now, but then again, if the project called for it...

    They just redid the Blogger again. I was getting used to the new format, and now they've made it look a bit like the old format again. I think this is good as some of the functionality had been taken away. I know, I can revert to the old, but I like to force myself to keep up with the changes.

  9. Wordpress also came up with a new format and I immediately reinstalled the old version!

  10. Well life goes on, eh? I haven't tried new blogger but suddenly I'm put on new facebook, which isn't the same. When something works fine, like old blogger, why mess it up I wonder. They usually upgrade things til they don't work at all, then trash it is my finding over the years.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is Tuesday, May 14, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I just noticed that today would have been my Grandfather Clarence's Birthday. If he were alive, he would be old. Okay! He would have ...