Sunday, July 19, 2020

Today Is Sunday July 19 2020, This Is What Happen

Murphy and I went down to walmart to do some shopping. We got quite a bit of items. I think we're going to be driving down there. A lease they have their employees have mask on. Starting Monday everyone has to wear a mask.
We do have Safeway here and there employees have to wear a mask and then after Tuesday everyone will be require to have mask on.
First thing rang up was some hot dog buns at .88 cents and last thing rang up was 18 pkg of eggs for $1.88

I guess they want to prove to you that the thrift store washes there item they get. But the soap is so strong smelling and let soak in bucket of vinegar and water for half hour.

I got these fabric from the thrift store, paid less $5.00 for them. So now I have to run them though washer with our soap and hang them out to dry again. They should be fine.

Bart and his family came to visit, with their two daughters. I have to say Grandchildren love them dearly, and I understand why young people have them. We social distant when they visited. We set up chairs under tree and visited. Our yard is huge plenty room for kids to run. Only reason we went inside was to use the bathroom. Statement...This entire COVID 19 could of been handle differently and our numbers would of been a lot less.

We went out to game reserve and the mosquito had a feast.
The girls like the little stream and for some reason even with water less mosquito.

Mr Ziggy is injoy the sun and I bet it feels good on his old bones. He close to 20 years old. But he still get around, but doesn't move like he use to.
The deer munched off top of my hollyhock, which is one my favor flowers.

Coffee is on


  1. So nice to be able to have a visit from you grandchildren. $1.88 for 18 eggs? I pay just over $9 per dozen for free range eggs.

    1. Anonymous5:41 AM

      River, you are paying too much for free range. $6 for proper free range perhaps.

    2. But the taste is just like the fresh eggs I sometimes get from my daughter's chickens.

  2. I’m glad you had a good visit with your son and granddaughters!

    I heard somewhere that thrift stores don’t actually wash anything...they douse it with some heavy smelling spray!

  3. Those mosquitos hahaha. Good you got some shopping done I am still just going to the grocery store.

  4. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Wouldn't you have liked to give your grandchildren a big grandma hug. They would probably hate it but later remember grandma hugs.

  5. Sounds like a good shopping day. Mr Ziggy sure looks good for his age.

  6. Wow, I don't think I've seen a cat that was almost 20. Good for him.

  7. Agreed, if they had done stuff up front with the Covid, we'd be a lot better off today.

  8. "Statement...This entire COVID 19 could of been handle differently and our numbers would of been a lot less." Agreed!

    Re the stream having fewer mosquitos: Mozzies breed in stagnant water. Running water is not so attractive for them.

  9. I can get free range eggs at multiple places from private people, sometimes for nothing. My friends in Sweet HOme offered me some two days ago, but I already had eggs. Everyone seems to have chickens now and then try to offload the excess eggs. I'm usually very willing recipient, lol. I hate mosquitos. They are not present in the city here (Albany, guess not really a city). But even up where I was trapping the other day they were buzzing. I even the sound of them.

  10. I haven't seen a hollyhock in years. I wonder if we even have them in Oklahoma.

  11. So pleased you had a good visit with your son and granddaughters.
    That hollyhock is such a lovely colour ...

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Tuesday, December 24, 2024: This Is What Happened

  Christmas eve. It will be quiet around here. Later on, Murphy and I will open our gifts. This evening. I won't be blogging tomorrow. ...