Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Today Is Tuesday April 7, 2020. This Is What Happen.

Stay home and not putting in my full hours at work. Yesterday I saw most people not wearing any type of facial covering. Hubby went to store and he would estimate slightly under a fourth is wearing a mask.
So far as I know there haven't been in positive cases in my county. Or they haven't got results back. I would put in my full hours if like 7/8 of people would take precaution and wear a mask.

Paid bills, line up more medical bills from 2019, and work sewing projects. I cut out some muslin and interfacing for mask. But the outer fabric I notice it was slightly wrinkled.
Also cut some strips for the quilt I am working on. Did a load of laundry and still in hope by end of week the washer will be here.

Up slightly. Going to do a full moon ritual. Us pagan are now being solitary. I hope most of us pagan are following there country health recommendations.
At this point I smudge my corner of home with white sage. Walked around place with smudge stick of dragon blood. At each door of my place I let the dragon blood burn for a few minutes.

My ritual theme will be about “sprouting” This what my altar look like and will hopeful post on it tomorrow.


  1. Your altar is interesting. I wanted to look at the full moon tonight, but the skies are cloudy.

  2. I have never smelled burning (smoldering) sage. To me it seems like it would be very pleasant and comforting. Is it? I have seen some people use it on television programs and it seemed nice. Kind of reminded me of a pleasant, aromatic pipe tobaccos.... but that may just be my wish and my imagination. :)


  3. Interesting altar.

  4. I'm not sure how effective masks are but I suppose they help.

  5. You obviously believe the adage, "Idle hands are the Devil's Workshop". You go girl.

  6. Not many people are wearing masks here but our Governor finally did issue a stay at home order. Your alter looks lovely. Be safe!

  7. Will you hold a ceremony of welcome when the washer finally arrives? I am grateful for our machine every time I run it. I remember stories my grandmother used to tell about washday circa 1910. Her brother put turpentine on the dog's tail and the dog jumped into a fresh tub of wash water.

  8. Glad you are finding ways to practice your beliefs safely.

  9. Glad to see the Pagans are more ethical than some Christians.
    Here in Oklahoma with so many Native Americans, smudging a house or an office is a thing.
    Take care, be safe.

  10. I smudged my place when I moved in and hung up my little protection bag that stops negative energies coming in. I've had it so long I don't even remember what's in it anymore. But it seems to be still working.

  11. I think a lot of us were taken unawares by the mask requirement. I know I'm still scrambling for one.


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Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  When I change cameras, I usually have trouble pulling the photo off the camera onto the laptop. Not this time.   Murphy and I clean some...