Saturday, April 04, 2020

Today Is Saturday April 4 2020, This Is What Happen.

Today is QINGMING FESTIVAL don't think many in world will be celebrating. Think most people is trying to make best of stay at home order, notice more is slowly wearing a mask or face covering. But then there the ones still think it hoax.

Yesterday we order a new washing machine. Should be at home depot end of next week. Not sure if there bring it out to our place or not. Or we have to go to Ponderay. Just North of Sandpoint.
Well today. Took load of garbage to main land field the transfer station are closed. Not sure if it the virus or budget.
Changed the oil on rottlier.

Slowly been sewing mask. One lady in deli at Super one want two of them. My friend Quenella wants one and not sure how she want her straps put on.
Some likes behind the ears and other like them behind there head. So I will send her some ¼ inch elastic.
Each one is looking better then the last. Hardest part is putting on the elastic. Doing them so slip over the ears.

Last night or early morning I had two dreams...and they will go in my book of shadows
First dream...Walking down side walk next to train track a setter type of dog started to follow me.
The fright train had had on only a few cars, one engine.
There is a guy up in engine. He got out and dressed as a court jester. Climb back in engine and placed a crown on his head, and lite a cigarette.
Continue on, went though the village shopping center, enter a store that sold a variety of small of items. Said hello to the clerk. She ask me about the dog. I said “He started to follow me by the park train, and I'm heading home and to try to find his rightful owner.”
After leaving the store and continue walking down narrow paved road. Came to my ranch style home, white in color.
As I was about ready to to up stairs, (Woke up)

The other dream...Looked out in back yard and saw someone hanging on rock, in the river, and water was on the higher side. Open the french doors and walk to the chain link fence. So I could have a closer look, when I got toward the fence. Notice it was a male in green army jacket. I start to yell. “Are you ok” He moan an answer not sure what it was. I ask if I need to call the sheriff department he said “No” Start to head back into the house and woke up.

Any ideal what these dream might mean...

Coffee is on


  1. I nteresting how you remember your dreams and so well

  2. Hi there --

    Even in the best of times, Ching Ming is more for commemorating than celebrating. Think of it as like the Chinese version of All Soul's Day.

  3. Those were some strange dreams, maybe they meant you weren't sleeping well. I hope you are able to get your new washing machine soon.

  4. No idea what they mean. Just enjoy them while you can. Last night I dreamt that I was given a tractor trailer and it had no brakes. I stopped at a deli and told them it had no brakes. They looked at me and pointed out the window. My truck was rolling away. Then I woke up.

    Hope all is as well as it can be.

  5. That's nice that you're sewing masks for your friends.

  6. No idea what the dreams mean. I can usual figure out where all my own came from.

  7. Dreams are weird. I wonder if the dog was a spirit guide.

  8. Yes, good idea to stay indoors and away from crowds. Monica - The Yum List


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...