Monday, March 23, 2020

Today Is Monday March 23 2020, This Is What Happen

Don't remember where or I actual seen it. But with this COVID 19 I heard or read some places are assigning certain days a week, that necessary shopping trips are aloud.
Not sure how this is done.
Is this done accord to the alphabet and your Surname...What every your Surname started with you would shop on that day.
Is done by birth month...So what every month you were born in you, would be assigned a certain day to shop.
Or could be possible done by last number in social security number. That you would be assigned a certain day to shop.
If this is TRUE one would need to learn to get a week worth of supplies.
Could this be all in dream or something.

Work day was pretty quite. We went out to Regis dad estate and start to clean out his place. For me I am interested in buying from estate is a few items. Two main thing I'm interested in is lawn mower, and chair. Regis offer me a painting that his Grand father did. The family is quite artistically talent.
For Liz I showed her about pod cast. And we listen to one, on 4 serial killers you never heard of.
She seem to like audio type of things.
Scariest part right now of my job is...Going into the grocery store. Today I notice that the checkers had gloves on.
My guess in store transaction your standing about 3 to 4 feet from them. I don't see anything wrong having them wear a face guard.
Not saying I am no more germ filled then the next person.

So for a while I will be only working three days a week. I am trying to keep odds down of any of us getting this COVID 19.

Coffee is on


  1. Some of our supermarkets are having plexiglass screens put up around the checkers, like in banks, to limit their exposure to customers.

  2. It is very scary about the grocery situation.

  3. I often thought that grocery stores can be a haven for germs. A bit scary.

  4. They should do something like that here. I can't go to the supermarket so they have to do the shopping for me. Stay safe out there.

  5. We were able to get toilet paper and paper towels but no meat, the meats of any type were all gone.

  6. We're supposed to have some groceries delivered today between 4 PM and 10 PM. Unless they cancel at the last minute, which could still happen.

  7. Probably you will end up with the same rules as in most countries. Food stores and pharmacy open, restaurants bars etc closed.

  8. We are all staying home as much as possible so we don't get sick.

  9. And then if you're in line, the person behind you isn't standing 6 ft away. I made a grocery run yesterday, and most were doing well at staying back, but not everyone.

  10. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I haven't heard about alternate days for shopping. Things there will settle down as they have here. People only have so much space.


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...