Friday, October 18, 2019

Today is Friday October 18, This Is What Happen

Two trouble are brewing. Recently I got billed for something I didn't purchase and I forgot to call. To tell them to take me off there list or I want unsubsrcibe. Plus I want my money refunded.
Then I got call from my private insurance and promise you I won't go off about private insurance this time around. But my insurance company consider my breast reduction as cosmetic insurance. Well for now I will leave the rant about our health insurance alone.
Over on my facebook I posted " Shame On Private Insurance" I'm just waiting till someone to ask me about it.

After yesterday post. I looked up what possible what I will be drawing from Social Security. Depends which social security calculator I was using. I will get any amount from $600 to $900 a month.
I decided I don't want to work after I am 65.
But what I like to do is draw my marital benefits off my husband. What I found out at 63 I can draw a check a little over 30% of his.
But what I was really looking for if I can continue working, as I am drawing my marital part of social security. But still add to my social security.

Been slowly going though box of fabric. I know I mention about this box and I been cutting them to strips for locker hook rug.
But I am trying to be less clutterly. Not even sure if clutterly is even a word. Not sure if would be adverb or an adjective.
Over the weekend I like to make a good stab on box of fabric.

When we was flying home from Medford Oregon we had a small delay in Portland Oregon Airport. There was small THEATRE with local film makers.
Sadly it wasn't going.
There some guy who went and start to vape. Although I wasn't sure what he was vaping.

Every notice how our President here United States is tweeting away about our move though out the world. I am sure as sun will rise in east and set in west. That other foreign country friend and foe a like sees them.
And little boring me. Who now waiting for my pin number though the mail to put ad sense on my blog. Make sure I am not foreign enmey combatant.

They seem like I am missing something on my blog. well I stayed with in my calorie count and actual I am under 2,000 calories.
Now will go back cutting more strips, reading blogs, and possible watch you tube.

Coffee is on


  1. Guess here we will get near to nothing after retirement. It´s a shame.
    Oh, yes, that man tweets his head off, another shame...

  2. Hari OM
    dealing with anything financial like that gives me the 'grues' (Socts word for all things unpleasant). Has to be done, but oh it's a pain. Tearing strips would be therapeutic, I imagine! YAM xx

  3. That an has whipped himself into such a frenzy it’s a wonder he doesn’t just stroke out.

    Have your doctor appeal the insurance company’s decision.

  4. good luck with getting stuff in order, good idea to draw from hubby's pension.

  5. You sound more productive than me lately. I haven't done anything crafty this week.


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Today Is Thursday, May 16, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I mowed some of the yard. It was quite breezy today. Then there were those indoor chores. I found a game called Farm Merge Valley, sort of l...