Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Since My What Every

My work hours been pretty much cut in half. So will my pay. But couple of good things Liz is getting straighten around. Although she did hard way. I won't go into the mental health system although hard. I can't speak on other places. But Idaho is lacking to get any help here you need to be a 50/51 which means your going to out right kill your self or someone.
But here in Idaho if one self cut, harm or and mutilated one self it not going far enough for mental health help.
Question time...How is the mental health service in your area?

But I been getting a few extra things done around here. Today I ran the weed eater and hubby mowed the front yard.
My flowers bed are over grown with grass and chocking things out. So I been pulling and cutting back the grass so light can get in.
Hopeful this fall I can redo my flowers bed. we want to put a smaller tree on North side of our place for shade.

I been back doing some art and crafts. I started back painting rocks. Around here during the snow season it hard to hide and find objects.
I finish my first page for sketchbook project. I will be posting it Friday during PAINT PARTY FRIDAY
And I'm trying to come up with some thoughtful and meaning tag for my say for art abandonment.
Confession time...I wish I had more time to do crafty things and get rid of the clutter around here.

Up a little bit on weigh in this morning. But I been getting my steps in plus a little more. If I keep the steps up I will increase my goal.

Coffee is on


  1. I do think our health care system is very good. As long as you work ;-)

    1. Working can put a damper on medical help

  2. I don't know very much about our mental health system, I do know they closed the mental hospital facility where a lot of inmates lived and now they are either in public housing with all their attendant problems or they are on the streets. My ex has mental health problems and has anxiety and paranoia as well as being alcoholic, but he hasn't had a drink for three years now. He is in public housing, very close to my public housing unit, and he has seen many doctors, now he sees a psychologist almost every week, a psychiatrist about once a month and his regular medical doctor once a month for his prescriptions. so he is getting decent care and is able to look after himself, but many out there aren't so able and don't get enough of the proper care.

    1. 1980 they closed a lot of facilities here.
      Coffee is on

  3. Great too meet you Dora!!! I will keep contact with you through your blog in the future!
    Sending love and light for you from
    Thank you for your nice visit at my blog!


    1. Thank you and I will swing by Friday

  4. I think the mental health system is getting better...but so slowly!!!

    1. Yes it getting better. But there much room for improvements

  5. There is a lot of help for mental health here in the city. I worked for a mental health program. The problem is, the laws keep the mentally ill from getting ahead. For example, I worked in a substance abuse program for mentally ill homeless substance abusers. Medicaid paid for them to stay at our shelter, and others, and would not allow them to find work or go to school until after the shelter. We found them homes before releasing them, but if they had not skills, they'd soon be back out on the street.

    1. I shake my head on laws. no common sense.

  6. You remind me I need to get out and do some gardening too Dora 😉 I don't know enough about our mental health system, I guess no one does until they need it ✨

    1. Doing personal care I had a quick crash crouse

  7. moving is the best thing to do and all your yard work is exercise that helps with weight loss. I need to get up from here and DUST, that is excericse also. not sure about our mental health here

  8. I'm not sure about what's available here for mental health services.

    Love your flowers. Yardwork is definitely exercise! Good job on getting your steps.

    1. I keep tell my self less food more movement.
      Coffee is on

  9. I am with you on the clutter.

    1. Clutter yes I'm sure not pro clutter

  10. the mental health system in this country is in serious crisis. we need to do better.

    1. A little common sense would go long ways.

  11. Will you be able to pick up another client so your hours can go up?

    1. Not sure what and who out there. They can only hold her for 28 days which is end of the month. They will release her or send her to state run one.

  12. Mental health service is quite good in Belgium as the whole public Health insurance for everybody.

  13. I don't think mental health help is great any place.
    We have a family member in Oregon that can't get the help they need because there is no place available. so sad.

    1. I would bet Oregon is a lease few steps up from Idaho.

  14. lack of mental health service in our area, Louisiana....
    beautiful yellow flowers

    # I drank two cups of coffee today

    1. Sure hope you enjoyed your coffee. Mental health sure needs a lot of work.

  15. What beautiful flowers, a lovely colour.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Friday, January 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I finished another set of artist trading cards. I did a set of fish, with one that isn't a fish. Soon, I will post them on ARTIST TRADIN...