Thursday, May 02, 2019

April Report 2019

Hoping the leaves came about. Although in last month there were snowdrops, crocus, easter hyacinths, grape hyacinths. and tulips.

Keeping my table clean has been struggle. I still think there super magnets that draws everything towards it.

I make up my monthly goals and things I want to do. I forget to marked it off. One is to go though my closets. Slowly things are going. The other day I toss a pair of broken sandals and I wonder how long they been there.

I do wear my fit bit and like above I don't always record my steps. And it says ones needs 10,000 and my goals is 7,500 steps and I have trouble making that. I usual get over 5,000

I feel mental health is as important as physical health. So part of my mental health I like to check in at PERSONALITY INSIGHT

You are genial.
You are philosophical: you are open to and intrigued by new ideas and love to explore them. You are empathetic: you feel what others feel and are compassionate towards them. And you are calm-seeking: you prefer activities that are quiet, calm, and safe.
Experiences that give a sense of discovery hold some appeal to you.
You are relatively unconcerned with both achieving success and tradition. You make decisions with little regard for how they show off your talents. And you care more about making your own path than following what others have done.
Then I would like to look at this three statements and give a little thought on them..
1. Introverted vs extrovert...As I post I'm more introverted and I came to realize it ok. I thought I was an outcast because I need and want time to my self. 
2. Conscientiousness...Slightly below average. It says lower the number is more spontaneous. I found this some what interesting. Because I do have trouble with people who wish washy. Statement time...I might look into this a little more.
3. Cautiousness... Very high and I can see this. Not sound self center I have pretty good tools to make good choices. I usual when I make a flub I don't repeat it. 

Well of to work.
Coffee is on 


  1. I find that I need to have a spot where things collect. You know, the papers that come in and stuff that you get that you need to deal with, but not today? I made a box that that stuff lives in, and I try to clean it out periodically. (The goal is once a month. It actually ends up being about every 4 months.) At least it keeps it off a table top :)

  2. My clutter seems to be in drawers. Kitchen, dining room and bedrooms.

  3. Pep:

    Clutter is too invasive in my life as well! I commiserate with you. There have been recent studies that show that living in clutter actually increases stress hormones in the body.

    But, for the life of me, clutter seems so damn hard to avoid.... I wish I could figure it out better.

    I will try to get onto that personality site you link... it sounds like it could be valuable to me.


  4. Good going on the Fitbit!!

  5. Anonymous3:48 PM

    5000 steps is not too bad really. I don't always make that.

  6. The purpose of a table is to put stuff on it, so don't worry too much unless it starts overflowing like a little avalanche.
    I don't bother to count my steps. Some days I walk for miles, some days I just sit. It depends on whether or not parts of me are hurting.

  7. Mental health is as important as physical health. I love my fitbit and always wear it. Had slowly worked up to a daily goal of 14,500 and was doing so well, then broken my the goal went by the wayside and once I got out of my boot and did rehab I started slowly and have worked up again, but currently only to 9500 and am not making it most days. I've been so busy with Dad and his house, at least that's my excuse, lol. You set your goal for what works for you and if over time you can increase it, you've improved. Good luck.
    Sandy's Space

  8. Yes mental health is as important as physical health and I think that more and more people, including health care professionals, are beginning to realise this.

    All the best Jan


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