Sunday, April 14, 2019

No It's Not Happening. But It Did Happen

I'm still thinking of doing a manifesto. When is question. I know my thoughts are my thoughts, like every thoughts and what someone says has an equal important.

Made my to do list for week in my BULLET JOURNAL mines pretty simple. Let see I got chores, health, thrift store haul, spiritual/creative and mark off  items in bullet journal.
There some pretty fancy ones.

On facebook I ask a question. So I might as well ask it here...Question time....What is the best (conservative) and or (liberal) news source on web? 
The reasons I'm asking. I like to be current on current event and need to mange my time better. 
Confession time...I spend to much time setting and need more movement in my life. 
In morning I get up an get my coffee and set watch the news for a while, I mean a while. But summer heat will come and this present habit needs to be change.

Hubby and I did some cleaning in garden. We're planning to down size, which includes the garden. Not sure if we're even doing a garden this year.
We have a few project needs to be finished up, and won't be adding any new ones this year.
I been looking for glasses though site called ZENNI and so many choice it sort of frustrating 

Coffee is on


  1. For national news/current events, NPR. I think they report the news without a political bias. For local news I listen to two Boston tv stations. The ABC affiliate and another station without a national affiliate. Seems local news is a bit more infotainment than actual news

  2. Nice that plans are being made.

  3. good for you to make it happen...
    have a wonderful weekend

  4. This is a season which makes me lazy ! No energy for whatsoever ! Our garden (yard) I have reduced to a minimum ! only shrubs and grass !

  5. At some points I am happy to not have the garden to contend with anymore....but then at other times I miss the feel of warm soil and the smell of the outdoors and plants as I’m working...and all the fresh produce...I miss that!

    1. Fresh produce is always nice.
      Coffee is on

  6. I've been using Zenni for 10 years or so, with great results. Super low prices compared to brick&mortar retail stores.

    1. Glasses at Brick and Mortar is costly.

  7. I always try to make plans, but somehow there never seems to be enough time to do everything on my list. Sadly, it's usually spirituality that comes up lacking.

    1. I'm shocked when 50% on my list get completed.
      Coffee is on

  8. My list always has too many chores on it.

    1. I could use a maid. But my pocket book won't allow it.

  9. I find every news channel, radio station and magazine/paper is biased to their own opinions, Republicans watch Fox, Democrats CNN and ABC... there is no unbiased news outlet. can't happen. people are people

    1. we're all biases in one sense or anther.
      Coffee is on

  10. The best liberal new source for me on the web is the website of British newspaper, The Guardian. As far as American news sources are concerned, I am okay with CNN or the Washington Post for political news.

    1. I read some stuff from the Guardian

    2. Trust you find it to your liking! :)

  11. I think this year I might do patio pots with some tomatoes. Maybe some peppers too. Small. I used to do a huge garden, but my health is not so good now.

    1. Well hope we do a little something for fresh veggies

  12. I have no idea what the best news sources are. I'd stick with print, though. Perhaps the online version of the NY Times.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

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