Monday, April 08, 2019

Happy Monday

Actual I have know ideal what to call this post. So as today is Monday and it sure wasn't a sad day. Went to the artist group meeting here in Bonners Ferry. There going to have a yard sale next month and I notice I have a lease a few shoes to share. But sure I could find a few more items to bring.
Believe me there plenty of items around here.

Today I told Liz about ARTIST TRADING CARDS and she never heard of them. It seem living in small populated area. One might say news travel slow. See actual they start in 1997 by a Swiss artist, M.V.S But 1997 the oldest was in third grade and youngest in first grade.
So I did two up for Liz and I'll take them in Wednesday and give them to her.

Well oldest Grand Daughter just turn three yesterday. Two years she will be in kindergarten. And my two younger grandchildren will be year old, one in July and the other in August.

She did pretty good haul. Both set of Grandparents got items that she can be creative. Her maternal grandparents made her a cook stove out of cardboard box and got stickers for like the burners, oven doors, dials and such. And of course the cooking utensils.
Then her Paternal grandparents got her some side walk chalks, kazoo, and magnetic puzzle of a fashion dogie salon.
I need to give high five for cheese cake out of CITY ORGANICS out of SANDPOINT. It was one of the best cheese cake I've had.
It was a vegan one made out of cashews.

Now briefly back to my art life. Friday I will post some photo of my artist trading cards for part of my PAINT PARTY FRIDAY and I did get my paper cut to size I need for the SKETCH BOOK PROJECT but now I need to get holes punched. The place I got my paper trim down didn't have a multi hole punch. I have one put although not sure it's adjustable or not.

Today it was the dentist, weigh in at TOPS tomorrow and two things I want those scales to say "You maintain or your down". And Thursday off an eye exam



  1. Always a good sign when the week gets off to a good start.

  2. I like the road trip picture. Hope your weigh in goes well.

  3. Kids grow so fast! Can you believe my big Niece will turn 9 come August! Just the other day she was a newborn! Enjoy the times.

  4. Awwww, she sure is a little cutie! Those artist cards sound really cool!

  5. Happy birthday to your sweet little granddaughter. My grands are all grown with children of their own. My eldest great grand is the age of your granddaughter.

  6. Vegan cheesecake? Hmmmm

    Your granddaughter is a cutie.

  7. hope the scale makes you happy, I do my weigh in on Thursday and hope the same thing. your granddaughter is adorable. I have not heard of the artist cards.

  8. A belated happy birthday to your granddaugter! Good thoughts for your TOPS weigh-in.

  9. Sounds like your granddaughter had a good birthday. My grandson is 6 and I love looking at the different toys to get him for birthdays.

  10. What a beautiful photo of your granddaughter, hope she had a wonderful birthday. x

  11. A vegan cheesecake made out of cashews... I need to see this thing. Did it taste good?

  12. Beautiful grand daughter and lovely ATC ~ they are great fun!

    Happy Days to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Really drawn to your VW Road Trip ATC, I had never heard of them either!


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