Saturday, March 23, 2019

Creative and Beautiful Post Number Twenty Two.

Work actual ran me behind. So usual I have them up on Friday, but Saturday is day they went up.

Days our getting longer, and snow is quickly going away. It also came quickly. Now I can see both sunrise and sunset. Part of the year sometime after September there is group of trees that block my view of sunset. The sun in last part of year is to far south. But they logged and it will give me a better view.
Watch the sun slowly fall behind the Selkirks mountain range.
Sun came up at 7:30 this morning. And got above 50 (10) the other day.
More scenery POST

This is my version of what I believe a Justice Card should be. If you notice the jury box over chairs have blind folds. And reason for the blind fold is we all have our prejudice to certain amount. Some could be a lot strong and other as not. So juries should be blind fold and this way so prejudgment wouldn't come as quickly.
Then on the front of Jury box, there is a rose to me is symbol of some one usual have the smell of sweet justice, and there is going to get pricked.
Not always there is a looser and winner when court is involved.
Three positive keywords for this card is...advice, virtue, and equality. Then the three negative words would be abuse, intolerance and bias.
Please remember no one can predict the future. And one also doing a reading of tarot one needs to consider the other cards in layout.

I'm taking part in SKETCH BOOK PROJECT in Brooklyn New York. And I start to work on my sketchbook.
This is my front cover of what will be my sketchbook. Toward end of my sketch book I will tact this to it.
PARTY for artist.

Coffee is on


  1. Hari OM
    I too love that scene - and the cover of your sketch book! YAM xx

  2. Nice tarot and sketchbook cover

  3. I've never thought about jurors being blindfolded, but it seems like a good idea, but has drawbacks too. They need to see evidence items as they are presented and also how the witnesses react to questioning.

  4. Spring is stirring up everything and everyone.

  5. Hello, lovely sunrise capture! I am happy for the longer days! Thanks for visiting my blog. Enjoy your day!

  6. I like your Justice Card Dora, the idea of blindfolds is brilliant ✨

  7. I really like that front cover... I did not know until your comment on my post that you are also a TOPS member.. I knew about your weight loss but not the TOPS part

  8. Good luck with the sketch book project. I did one a few years back and really enjoyed it and it was called 'Below the Surface'

  9. A rose of justice. Interesting interpretation.


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