Sunday, February 03, 2019


Hawaii or lease when I was there had some spectacular sun set. Can you spell "spectacular" But next or if there is next time I want to see more of east side of island. And watch the sun come up.

But two places I want to see is Smithsonian and desert. My hubby for some reason want to see San Diego and Palm Spring California and Yuma Arizona is near by. Both are desert.

Two places I like to check out as tourist is a thrift store and museum of some type. Didn't get a chance to check out full fledged museums.
But I did find this little art shop of CINDY COATS GALLERY and bought a print. The colors what caught my eye.

We did find a thrift store. Interesting find the store had. Got some shark teeth and I would guess I paid a little much. $5.00 a piece.
Not sure when they quite making them, but I bought package of candy cigarettes. seventy five cents.
But what was shocking or a spectacular price was the clothing. Hawaiian tops starting at $30 and let me remind you this was thrift store. Even a few at $50
But I believe Hawaii had some Nice's eggs and with beautiful yokes. Four dollars a dozen.
There were sea turtle on shore. Not sure if it was a male or female but it was in tide pools having a snack.

We got an entire home though AIR B AND B. I like air and B and B. Get entire place your own kitchen and such.
And a lot more room then hotel room. Unless possible if rent a sweet.
Actual we could of used a smaller place. And I wish I had a photo of how steep the drive way was in to the place.
I guess it wouldn't be bad but if you live in colder and snowy climate it could be tricky.

Trying to piece anther quilt block together. It's part of block exchange I'm member of. This one called the wreath and most of photo I've seen it in Christmas colors.
But I want to do it in spring flowers.
It not easy figuring the lay out. Hope it sew together a lot easier.

Weigh this Morning scale and the home one said "200.8" (90.94) and Tuesday at weigh in with T.O.P.S I want to actual weigh about the same.
Goal is going good. End of March I want the scale to read 198 (89.8)
But still big goal is to be 185 (83.5) for this year, end of October.

Coffee is on. 


  1. Your trip to Hawaii sounds divine. Glad you enjoyed.

    Oh, you must come east and see Washington, DC. I’ve been to several of the Smithsonian museums, you will find them all favorites are American History and Air and Space.

  2. Sounds like you enjoyed Hawaii. A place I've not been but hubby would like to go. Nice sunset picture. I would prefer sunset over sunrise, as I'm not an early riser. Good luck with your quilt and your goal for weight loss. Are you using a particular diet, or exercises more?
    Sandy's Space Leaving you a hyperlink

  3. Ooooh what pretty pictures of Hawaii. I agree we are headed for a cold snap...our city's ground hog saw his shadow 6 more weeks of bad weather but today and most of the week we have highs in the 60's until Saturday.
    thanks for stopping by

  4. If you want to see a California desert, you must go see Death Valley. Lowest point in the US...

  5. Absolutely LOVE Hawaii! So glad you got to visit. I love your pics. Enjoy!

  6. I would love to go to Hawaii someday:) And so cool you quilt. I sew but have not tried quilting yet!

  7. I agree $30 to $50 is too much for thrift store clothing, so if I ever get to Hawaii, I'll be sure not to shop there.
    The quilt block looks difficult, I hope you get it sorted out.

  8. Hi Dora - wonderful to have a break. I'd love to join you in a trip to the Smithsonian ... one day perhaps! Cheers Hilary

  9. Beautiful. I would love to visit sometime. You got a bargain with Air B & B. My experience with them was not so good, though. The guy who used to live above me started using his apartment for Air B& B. People would come in and stay a few days. Problem was these were people on vacation, and they didn't have to get up in the morning to go to work so they'd be coming in all hours making noise above my bedroom. When management found out what was going on, they threatened him with court and he moved out. That was the first good night's rest I had in almost 6 months.

  10. Sounds like a good trip Dora, spectacular sunset 😉 good luck with your weight and with the quilting ✨

  11. Nothing like pure sugar in a hard candy.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...