Monday, February 18, 2019

Now Before I Head Out To Work

Did some campaign and no not political. I think it would be wonderful for a lot more community got involved with SKETCHBOOK PROJECT and I posted info on some of my local facebook group, and twitter account.
Some might say there not an artist but everyone can create something; a short story, poem, stick figures.
I will be calling mind. "Just Below the Surface" it's as Pluto going though the zodiac signs. Anyhow it will be tilted toward history.

I did put on my zip fit bit. Usual I forget to even put it on. Doing some what better in my water consumption.
My weigh in at T.O.P.S tomorrow. Hope it is good as Sunday home one was.

Figure the fabric I will be using for my next quilt block. This one for an exchange I take part in.

A few items I need to do this week. Well a brief list would be...Info on three crystal and one would be your birthstone. Mind would be amethyst and the other two not sure what I will be doing.
Don't think the quilt block will get done. If it get cut out I will be happy.
I do want to get my knight of pentacles done, and also do my two weekly memes.

Coffee is on 


  1. Hari OM
    it will be interesting to watch your sketchbook project develop! YAM xx

  2. I need to find some new projects for myself.

  3. I hope you take pictures of your blocks...would be interesting to see.

  4. I think most people think of "artistic" as being able to draw. I know I do. And I can't draw at all.

  5. Good luck with the project!


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...