Friday, February 01, 2019

Beautiful and Creative Meme Number Seventeen.

Just shortly got back from HAWAII BIG ISLAND and I thought I would take a photos from my trip.

This is first time I shared someone else work other then mine. I was in KONA AREA and found this little artist shop, CINDY COATS GALLERY and decided to purchase the print above.
To me the key word for me picking this is "fun" and I tend to like art work that is colorful, fun, fantasy, and whimsical. 
For more artist who take part in "paint party Friday"CLICK HERE

People told me I should watch a sun set in Hawaii. And what surprised me that it seem there wasn't much of DUSK and now I want to watch a sunrise on east side of Island and check out sunrise so I can see what type of DAWN they may or may not have.
For more sky photo please CLICK HERE

Coffee is on


  1. What a wonderful place to visit!

  2. What a fun piece indeed! Hawaii is so gorgeous...

  3. I've never been to Hawaii, but I've been to Alaska (many years ago) and the dusk is incredibly long there. I think it has to do with your distance from the equator - the nearer you are, the less dusk you have. I saw short dusks (and dawns) also when I lived in Florida years ago. So you aren't going to see a long dawn in Hawaii, either. Alana

  4. What a vibrant piece of art, I would have found it hard not to have taken this one home myself. A happy little keepsake from you Hawaiian vacation.
    Happy PPF Tracey

  5. That is a lovely little piece!

  6. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I've not been but plan to in the future. Pleased you are having a good time.

  7. Hawaii! Lucky you. I'd like to go one day, but I don't see it happening. Too expensive for me and I don't even have a passport.

  8. Sunrise and sunset are my favourite times of day.

  9. Sunrise is a wonderful time of day.

  10. H, I love sunset and unties in the tropics. Hanks for sharing. And the artwork is beautiful.

  11. Lovely print you bought and delightful sunset ~ Hawaii is so beautiful ~ loved visiting there too when I went ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. You found a lovely print. I'd like to go to Hawaii, looks beautiful.

  13. I've seen the sun set in Kona... beautiful!!!

  14. Love that vibrant painting, and Hawaii looks so beautiful. Lucky you to visit. happy PPF!

  15. Love your colourful art pick Dora, how lucky you were to visit Hawaii ✨

  16. Fun art piece and beautiful photo! Happy PPF!

  17. I am told that when you watch the sun set over the ocean, you can sometimes get a moment of a green flash. I have yet to see this. I take it you didn't see it either.


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