Friday, January 04, 2019

Creative and Beautiful Meme Number Fourteen

First time I took a sky photo from one of my clients parking lot. Most of December or lease the last half it pretty much a JANUARY THAW.
Have to be careful where I walk or have the right foot wear.
For more sky shots CLICK HERE

This is my picture for Paint Party Friday.  Still working on my own tarot deck. My version of two of swords.
Before I tell you three positive and negative things about this card.
Remember no one can 100% predict the future and the other cards around the cards has an effect in reading.
Positive key words are intelligent, goal in sight, and intuition.
Negative Key words are won't see or listen, and stalemate.
Statement time...Not one of my fav cards.

One of my creative goal was to draw 12 picutues base on random words. I'm still planning to do this but with slight change.
I was going to do calendar and as you can see part of days of week.
Still planning to do the 12 picture based from random words, but I won't be doing the calendar calendar part.
It just way to much, since I have other projects in file I want to complete this year. Had to reorganize my goals.
This is picture I'm working on present time.
For my artists and crafters CLICK HERE.

Coffee is on


  1. Nice sky photo, I love the little flying bird.

  2. I like the colors in your card, a tarot deck is an ambitious project indeed, I hope it continues to go well for you.

  3. It's always good to have goals as it gives us a focus, something we need at times with art. Good luck with those Tarot cards, I hope you will display them all together when completed.
    Happy PPF Tracey

  4. January thaw is a perfect description!

  5. The sky picture is nice. I try to not set too many goals for myself, so I don't get too disappointed when I don't get things done.

  6. Lovely sky photo and creative art work ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Sky photo makes me cold. We have so many gray ugly days here and I'm pretty excited, the sun is out. Shocked! Popped over and liked your tree picture.
    Sandy's Space

  8. As with all craft/art projects, it's best to change goals as things change.

  9. Lovely photos

  10. Wonderful photo, love the tarot card and the idea of creating based on a single word is great. I had not thought of that.


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