Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wednesday Meme Number Twenty Three


This time I will be putting my fictional story in middle this time. DRIFTING THOUGH LIFE has choosen the words. I will be using...pedal, black, digs, sheepdog, sample,and routine.

The sample that Farmer Fletch ordered some time back had order some time back. Had arrive anyhow farm life was fairly slow.
The weather would let him do much out side. So he sat in his easy chair and began to read the small book that came with it.

As he start to read his wife Tadell was going though the fridge to find some fixen for lunch. The last little bit of meals there were something left.
So it looked they were having left overs.

But as she pulled out the meat that had got stuck in back corner of fridge, slight order to it. And Charlie there sheepdog got up from the living room and wonder into kitchen to see what is going on.
He went and laid on the rug below the sink.
Hoping a treat my be drop,
Those floors needed to be kept clean.

So Tadell found some soft buritto shell and had the left overs on tray. It wasn't going to be big lunch, although it should hold them both till dinner.

As both of them were finishing up Terry notice a black cloud forming near the end of horizon. Nothing like this he had seen, so he asked his wife to take look.
There been plenty of dark clouds before. Storm clouds. These were slighty different.
There were slight hint of turquoise light in clouds.
But Charlie was panting and seem nervous about something. Although when some one came up he would give out a couple a deep barks.
Not this time.

Both of them decided to get on lap top to see if anyone post on local facebook page. No one knew or seen any thing like this. And people from NOAA was coming to investgate.

Soon NOAA was sitting up there equipment and taking all sort of reading in area, and looking though different weather almanacs.
This area kept great records of weather and it going to take a while for them to dig to see if any peculair happening had happen.
But it sure look like they could use more help.

The small flock of sheep that the Fletchs own had wondered back to barn, and were hanging on the North side of it.
The wind had picked up bit and some of roses pedals had fall unto the ground. Not many but in few weeks the season of rose bloom would start to end.

The next few while it didn't seem much of  routine at the farm. But as soon as the cloud came and NOAA left unknown what had happened.
The locals in area did amitt it was actual beautiful cloud and they all can tell there Grand children about the spatacular cloud formation.

The letter is W for ABC WEDNESDAY. Confession time...I was going to let any goals out until after Christmas. Looks like I will let part of my creative goal out.
I like a good challenge and I made list of words both adjectives and possible nouns I will draw some pictures.
Not sure what I will come up with when it comes to drawing. If you had words tree, normal, and axe. Question would you incorprate these three words in a drawing.

Coffee is on


  1. You had me at Irish Whiskey.

  2. A fun take on the prompts. Left-overs are excellent - and I love clouds too.

  3. You're a good writer! I'll have to think on those prompts! Enjoy your afternoon! Can you pour me another cup? Hugs!

  4. I was worried about that cloud. Glad it was just pretty.

  5. Interesting story Dora. I'm wondering what that cloud was, hope it wasn't anything dangerous. I had a dog once who used to come into the kitchen when I opened the fridge, just in case there was a treat for him.

  6. If I had tree, normal, and axe, I would write:

    "Any normal person knows better than to carry an axe near her favorite tree."

  7. I would not handle the axe in any way

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  8. I have fun with memes, they give a direction and framework for my blogging. Many people look down there nose at them and the transactional nature of them but I like interaction. I just don't have much time any longer to do as much as what I like.

  9. Meme's can be fun.
    Well done on your story.

    All the best Jan

  10. Always good to take notes, they make great prompts for future creativity.
    Happy PPF Tracey

  11. eggcups! interesting choice. Thanks for all your visits!


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