Saturday, December 15, 2018

Racking My Brains

Heading to Spokane taking Liz son to the Airport and he flying to Portland, he is visiting his brother. But not much is going on.
My one son and his wife came up to Spokane and there having there daughter baptize in Lutheran Church.
Time schedule didn't cognate.
But I will have chance to visit with both of them, briefly.
As I post my youngest one and family is in Spokane.

Got a little more wrapping done on present. Might do more, who knows Although I need to check my car over.
Well I just can't think of any more to post on.

Coffee is on


  1. I finished wrapping gifts two days ago and sat back thinking to myself "well done". Then this morning I suddenly remembered I haven't yet sent any Christmas cards! Yikes!

  2. Enjoy your family time. And your coffee.

  3. I am just about done wrapping -- but that didn't stop me from buying super-hero wrapping paper I found at the Dollar Tree. It's shameful that I can't pass up that kind of stuff up!

  4. All those comings and goings ...

  5. Busy, busy, busy.

  6. I just finished the Christmas decoration and am exhausted now !


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...