Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Not Over But Not Under.

My goal for until Christmas is to keep my weight in 205 range. So that means I can play down to 204.50 and up to 206.50. Weigh in was at 205.50
I haven't set my weight lost goal for 2019 yet. But for me I seem to do better on quarterly goals.
Our group ate at Chicken Chop. We usual have a small gift or ornament exchange. But this year we are donating food to the food bank.

Tree is pretty much decorated. I will have a photo of tree fully cloth either Thursday or Friday.
Not quite sure which Christmas project I will do next is send out Cards or Wrap gifts.
If any one want a Chritmas Card send me and e mail and subject put "Christmas Card 2019"

Thursday I thought I was going to Sandpoint with my friend Qunella and do some shopping. I had or want to get few things.
See our town don't have any thing close to a Wal Mart or Dollar Store. We do have a SHOP KO which I'm not a overly thrilled about.
But now I'm trying to weigh things out that I real need to go or can I revise things a bit. And stay here in my neck of woods

I did mange to get in a walk yesterday and took my camera, made YOU TUBE VIDEO


  1. I hope you are able to keep your weight goal.

  2. I need to set a weight loss goal for 2019. Earlier this year I did lose 3kg, which is about 6 and a half pounds, but then I put it back on with indiscriminate eating and laziness. I know I won't do much walking now summer is here, it's just way too hot and I hate the sweatiness. But next year I hope to lose 20 pounds.

  3. No dollar store? Oh my, you are missing out. Well, then again, maybe not...

  4. I hate shopping at Walmart this time of year, it’s crazy ...


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Today Is Sunday, January 19, 2025: This Is What Happened.

  Cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, and here is my last cuss. I took a photo of my artwork, and an error kept popping u...