Friday, December 21, 2018

Creative and Beautiful Meme Number Thirteen

Not quite the last sky watch friday. I was with Regis today in Sandpoint and he stop in at Pizza Hut and got some bread sticks.
And I took several photos of sky from there parking lot in Ponderay. And decided on the one above.
For more sky photos CLICK HERE

This is one of my farorite tarot cards I've done, page of swords. And three positive aspect of this card is eager to execute an idea, curosity, and resillent
But all cards have negative side to them, including the page of swords.
The three negative I would like to mention is...deliquent, vindicitve, and manipulte.
Remember know one can real tell the total future. When someone does a tarot reading one needs to consider the surrounding cards.
For other artist and there work CLICK HERE
Not sure if it will be the 27th December or 3rd January I will be linking a you tube video of my 2019 creative goal.

Coffee is on


  1. Gray skies ...must be winter ...

  2. Swords seem very negative to me, so it was interesting to read there are 3 positive things associated with that card. The ugly gray sky is what we see for months at a time during winter. I can't wait til spring.
    Sandy's Space

  3. Nice tarot card! Merry Christmas!

  4. I too love the card of swards. Have a wonderful holiday.

  5. Love those golden arches!! Happy holidays to you.

  6. Clouds - like where I live. The grey of winter. Alana

  7. Anonymous10:41 PM

    If the sky can look cold, it doesn't look too cold.

  8. There is always a positive to be found within a negative.
    Wishing you a happy PPF & Merry Christmas Tracey

  9. Dropped in for coffee and to wish you a Merry Christmas Tracey ~ ^_^

    Happy Holidays to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I like how you've done the tarot card and thank you for explaining the positives and negatives that go with it.

    All the best Jan


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