Monday, October 08, 2018

It Could Be Quite Simple If Need Be

The community leaders had a breakthrough in decided how this year vacation might be done. It took a while but they had a machine that one could step in and take a trip or be part of something. But to be fair as money been gone for many century. To be quite honest how does one earn time in the latest holodeck.
People here in Bogus earn by doing the right thing in life. And still after many generation, people were still jerks.
But it was agree on at everyone who was over 16 years could use the holodeck twice a year, for 2 days. Then after that someone or group could use there merit points. In hope this might renew some people and understand what makes people tick.

The team at Parmitus figure after many wipe out and clean out. How to set the mind and really believe they could be part of something, that they may or not have opportunity. Something like taking lysergic acid diethylamide and stepping though a time portal. B
But the main trouble they had with the holodeck is bringing many fantasy that could work together. Many mishaps happen in the lab. 
Actual the first community to purchase one was a little town west of the mountains. And health increase which includes mental health.
So the governing body had made decision on how the holodeck was going to be use. The first person would be choice by a the name generator did pick Margaret Preet and she could pick three people to be the first to use the holodeck. They want to be part of the Rogue Moon they decided they want Lois Marshall to be part of time in holodeck. Not many people every hear about the Vice Presidents. But since computers more people has a chance to be contributing part of history.
Lois Marshall was the wife of Vice President Marshall who service under President Wilson.
As soon as the three would open the purple door and step over blue line Lois Kimsey would be there.

They decided they didn't want to spend the entire a looted time. Only six hours in the holodeck.
Since they were the first to do though. It was agree following Friday that they would answer at public form of what went on and how they felt.
But Lois could step over the blue line and go though the purple doors. But shortly before the six hours Lois could write out a statement on how she felt about the adventure she was on.

Soon it was time for Margaret and her three friends had to address and answer the community question and such.
But shortly they became more comfort in front of there community. After answer all sort of things about all sort of things about the holodeck. On what happen and feelings.
Soon the town bogus even got anther holodeck.
Many things were learn about human nature. In physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological sense.

Editor Note...This is a fictionl story.


  1. Very cool story. I like your tag: blah blah blah ;-)

    1. Some time I can't think of catagory and so I thought of blah blah and blah..

  2. The Holodeck sounds a bit complicated. I don't think I would like to go through.

  3. I kind of fear a holodeck. What use would people make of it?


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