Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Had Some Thoughts They Were Zap

As I was briefly cruising though my regular pages I take part in, before I headed out door to work. I had a few ideals what I could possible blog about.
Now there nothing up stairs. I know there a little up there. I wouldn't be posting about nothing. But sometime thing like that.

I hit the 202 (91) and my end of the year goal was to be at 200 (90) or below.

Murphy is showing a lot of improvement, those shingle took him for a zap. Still not recovering. They want him to see a neurologist but he decided to cancel his appointment. He is doing so much better but I think it was a stupid ideal on his part.
He self medicaid him self with marijuana. See he person that can't stop thinking.
When I was young I smoke marijuana on fairly regular bases. Now of years the effect of it has changed.
Now my brain quites down and I get a paranoid feeling. No fun!

Confession...I like marijuana in baked goods. I get zip a dee doo dah day. But I sure still wouldn't want to do it on a regular bases. For what every reason I like keeping my wits about me. Only did the once lost complete control of my thought process. And that was enough for me.
 Not trying to be to critical I've mass trouble with alchol or powders.
My last client Donna she would make even a strong saint "drink to intoxication" so one would pass out and get up the next morning and go to work.
I'm so thankful I have Regis and Liz for clients.

Looking back my dad I believe now had some type of bi polar, and he medicated him self with alchol. A functioning alcholic.

He held down a good job. Drop out of high school his freshman year and got on railroad in Michigan. Then for a brief time he mange a diary, went back working on railroad. Stayed there until he retired in his 60's
Bills were paid, never worried about not having shelter, clothing, or food.
But emotional and mental support was a total different story.
Got start on rail on right side of the porch. Bart is planning to come up and help us on a few projects that needs to be done for the snow fly.

Maybe I should keep a list of things I want to blog about. I do have BULLET JOURNAL and I got put it in that.

Coffee is on


  1. That's a fun little video clip. I'm not fond of drugs either and the older I get the less alcohol I drink too.

  2. I´m such a boring person, I never had marijuana or other drugs... not even a cookie.

  3. I'm not fond of drugs, I've never taken any, not alcohol, not cigarettes, not marijuana or anything else like that. I've seen what it does to people and I don't want to be like that.

  4. Thanks for the video - put a smile on my face this morning.
    Yesterday, hubby and I went to the hardware store to buy some canning jars. A young guy in the line behind us was holding two cases of large jars. I asked him what he was going to put in the jars. He said, "Marijuana."
    I live in a college town - lots of zip-a-dee-doo-dah days around here :}

  5. Thanks for the cute video! Made me smile!

  6. Never had marijuana

  7. Hi Dora, thanks for the visit. I tried marijuana once in my life and didn't like it, made my head spin too much.

  8. The video reminded me of a funeral from about 25 years ago. The deceased wanted it sung. So we did.

  9. It’s really a great and helpful piece of information. I am happy that you simply shared this helpful information with us.



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