Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Wednesday Meme 4

Going to continue to call this meme number 4. All though when it comes to WORDLESS WEDNESDAY and ABC WEDNESDAY. If any one know the history of these two meme could you please share.
Well then the other one I do is HODGE PODGE WEDNESDAY

1.Describe your 30's in one sentence. If you're not yet 30 tell us one thing you hope to accomplish once you hit that particular decade?
I was a full time mom

 2. Is it harder for you to exercise or eat healthy?
I try to do both exersise and eat healthy. I find when I'm at work it diffucult to eat healthy. My clients eat a lot sugary snacks. But resently when I go to a business I try to walk around there building if possible. But if it isn't possible I take a short jont down the road.

 3. June 7th is National VCR Day. Huh? Anyway this reminded me of something I saw on Facebook listing household items we no longer have and the VCR was on it. I couldn't put my hands on that list, but found another list here of 21 items we all had ten years ago, but which are now obsolete-

bookshelves (WHAT!!???), drip coffee makers, alarm clocks, file cabinets, desktop computers, printers, printed phone books, answering machines, fax machines, paper shredders, a Rolodex, CD racks, CD burners, china cabinets, home phones, entertainment consoles, DVD players, calculators, takeout menus, incandescent light bulbs, and cable TV

Your thoughts? How many on the list do you still have? Still use?

Ok, I live in North Idaho and things move slow around here. I won't list all the antigue we use...I have watch that I wear, sort of land line a V.O.I.P phone, drip coffee, write out paper checks, and we do have working VCR. Although haven't used it in ages.

 4. What's something you see disappearing in the next ten years? 
My weight..already down 10 pounds this year and want to loose anther a total of 20 pounds

 5. How did you celebrate your birthday this past year? Is that typical?
A friend took me out for dinner. Usual I get chocolate my birthday is two days before Valentine day

 6. Insert your own random thought here. 
Can't come up with anything.

Now here my wordless Wednesday and ABC Wednesday. For the letter "V" is "Vidock" I would guess most people would compare them as bridge.
But there small ones in parking lots...To direct you around a parking lot.

Coffee is on


  1. Hari OM
    bookshelves, alarm clock, file cabinet, desktop computer, printer, printed phone books, answering machines, fax machines (strictly speaking, my printer has the function), paper shredders, home phone, DVD player, calculator, takeout menus, incandescent light bulbs... only don't have the other six because I never had them in the first place!!! YAM xx

  2. I kind of like the images as your "insert random thought here". I mean, why do thoughts have to be worded?

  3. Now you have no more secrets! We know everything about you.

    Life changes fast these days. I like listening to music and the plunge in cd sales has been followed by the plunge in online music sales and the rise of "streaming" music.

    And I wonder where blogging is going. I can tell it is declining fast. Don't you quit!! okay?

  4. Thanks for stopping by, but I do belong to the "cat clique".
    Easier to list the things I DON'T still have from your list: Home phone, cable tv (I use TV antenna!), Entertainment console, Rollodex, drip coffee maker (it just broke!). I still have and use my cassette player and cassettes. No excuses made by me. My typewriter amazes the neighbor kids. It is a fascinating machine.

  5. hahaha, I'm obsolete. CD racks, rolodex, fax machine, and entertainment center are the only things we don't have.

  6. Interesting meme, scary about the obsolete items of which I still have some.

  7. They're not obsolete if we are still using them, right? It's only that the 20-somethings don't want to use them and worse, want us to quit using them.

    btw, I love the name of your other blog.

  8. I still have and use a lot of things on that "obsolete" list.

  9. Have and use many of the items on your list. Even printed phone books. They are old, but I need them for addresses. What will disappear in the next ten years? Quite possibly me. :-)

  10. Good morning! I think most of us over a certain age have and use most of the things on that list. Nothing like having the youngsters tell you what a dinosaur you are, eh? LOL Chocolate for your birthday sounds like a good thing to me. Thanks for visiting my blog. I don't drink coffee, but enjoyed stopping by. Have a great day!

  11. Desktop computers??? WHAT???
    Doctors here often still use fax.
    DVD players? I just ordered DVDs...

  12. I'm an oldie but goodie! Still have all those things except the paper shredder, which I never had. Maybe I should get one!

  13. lack of curb appeal (that's my thought on the picture)
    Obsolete items - heck yeah...I prefer to think of them as parts of history.

  14. Both Wordless Wednesday and the ABC meme have been around for a long, long time, but I only played either one a few times. I don't know where the hubs are now or where they started.

  15. I have several bookshelves and a vcr. lol

  16. I am amazed at how many people still eat all the surgery stuff! I love wearing a watch and we have most of those items on the list and I'm not at all ready to toss any of them out. Way to go on the weight loss.

  17. Fortunately I don't like sweet food and sweets in general ! We don't have checks anymore since two years ! You can't pay with a check !


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