Monday, February 19, 2018

Our Guns Our Out of Control

Editor Note...There been plenty on social media about guns since the school shooting in Parkland Flordia.
I've seen all sort of things on gun control and this is what I post on my facebook page....
Lot been said about on the issue of possible gun control, since Parkland Florida...I haven't share any posts on this subject.
But I feel I need to speak on guns...I figure some of may even unfriend me. Well to be quite honest I don't give a rat ass.
First thing I don't believe the gov't is coming to take your guns. Ok some people are just parnoid.
Second I believe everyone has a right to defend there home. Actual I would suggest every home owner or renter. Get a 12 gauge shotgun and use slug. Believe me this will stop some one dead in there track. Unless your a super bad shot.
Now those who want to own and operate a gun of any calbiber...There guns should be treat same as owning a vehicle. Most people and including my self needs a driver's license, so why not a gun license to operated a gun out side of your property.
Then there the titles and regisition for vecihles.  Same for guns should be as for vehicle.
Now this is key point I want to make. Gun owners should carry liability insurance on your guns. Like we have to on vehicle
Now listen well...If any of my love ones get shot out in about in community...No I won't come after you...I will get legel advice...and do everything possible to bring legel suit against you. If possible I will empty your bank accounts, investment, properties, and place any lien on anything you may own and possible anything you may own in future.

As I understand on March 24 is #marchforourlives if you can't attend one of these marches. I would encourage you to contact your elected offical and let them know where you stand on the gun issues.

Coffee is on


  1. Hari OM
    Well said - don't get angry, get legal! YAM xx

    1. We need to have a good talk on gun and mental health.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Why aren't you mad at the FBI? They were warned in advance that this person was mentally ill and making threats and did nothing. Why all the attention on the guns. Guns are metal and wood and can't hurt anyone until some one with a trigger finger decides to use them for violence. Somewhere around 45 million people own guns in this country and haven't shot anybody with them! Why should they be burdened with additional regulations because of the actions of a few? About 13,000 murders were committed in the US last year and murder is already illegal and has penalties attached. It didn't stop any of those murderers.

    1. This person who did the shooting at the school at Parkland did fall though the crack. But not sound like I don't have empathy for the sitution...Plenty of people fell though cracks of bureaucray...There plenty of responsible people and they own guns...It's like automoblie most people are responsible and do the right thing...No I doubt making people get gun insurance is going to decrease murders. Sure there drunk drivers who don't learn unless they have there driving rights revolt. They still have to purchase liabilty insurance.... to put people on notice that they will be held financially liable for any misuse of a gun that they own if they fail to buy insurance....During Fall hunt season there people who choices to get drunk and go hunting, and sooner or later some one get shot...

  3. The answer will not be any easy one.

    1. Don't expect it to be. But to many shootings

  4. Forgive me, RP, but that it the stupidest comment I’ve heard in this whole debate.

    Why is it that the United States is the only country in the developed world that regularly endures mass shootings?

    It all comes down to guns and our gun culture.

    Let’s talk about the FBI. Yes, they didn’t follow up on a tip in Parkland. Maybe they could have prevented this tragedy, maybe not. But the FBI wasn’t a factor in the Las Vegas shooting, or at that nightclub in Orlando, or that church in South Carolina, or at Sandy Hook.

    Let’s talk about mental illness, shall we? Australia, the UK and Canada have mental illness, but they don’t have mass shootings. Why is that?

    Truth is, only a small portion of the mass shootings can be attributed to a person with a serious mental illness.

    So that leaves ...guns. Yes, I know, someone who is determined to hurt and kill others will find a way, with or without a gun. But the Las Vegas shooter killed 58 people and injured so many more in a matter of minutes, because he had the ability to do so.

    Now, for gun statistics. According to the Washington Post, just 3% of the US population owns half of the guns in this country. 78% of us own no guns at all. Far more of us are shot by guns than actually own guns,

    So yeah, those of us who don’t own guns and who are at an elevated risk of being shot are not particularly sympathetic to your dislike of additional regulation. There’s something wrong when it’s harder to get a driver’s license or buy a box of sudafed than it is to buy a gun.

    And no one needs an assault rifle. Military grade weapons have only one use, and that’s to kill people. No civilian needs such a thing to hunt or to protect themselves or their home. How many mass shootings were ther in the 10 years that the federal assault rifle ban was in place? And how many since the ban expired?

    No one is advocating a total ban on guns. But there has to be sane and sensible regulation of firearms.

    1. I even suggest everyone should protect there home with a 12 gauge shot gun.

    2. Anonymous2:38 AM

      Miss Song Bird Crazy,

      A google search will quickly dispel the notion that the US is the only country suffering mass shootings. Try getting your information someplace besides the Washington Post which is famous for it's liberal bias. In fact we aren't even first! What about Finland, Norway, Israel, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, The United Kingdom and France. That's not all, just the top ten! If you are afraid because you are unarmed, go buy a weapon and learn to use it. By the way, I don't know how old you are but you seem quite naïve. Perhaps when you have lived long as I have you will have matured in your view of the world and gotten in touch with reality instead of liberal fantasies.

  5. Let's hope we've finally reached the point where this country finally does something about the guns. Because anyone who thinks guns aren't the problem are part of the problem.

  6. I don't agree with gun ownership at all. Most certainly not assault weapons that only belong in the armed forces.

    1. It part of the American culture to own gun(s) which I don't agree, let lone understand.
      I hope I have the year correct before 2014 there was strict regulation on assault and automatic firearms. As I understand the law expires then and it wasn't reinstate.

  7. No reason in the world for anyone who is not in the military to be lugging around an assault rifle.

    1. I don't see why anyone needs to pack a weapon unless it hunting season...But saddly to say the jeannie been out bottle for a while now.

  8. My personal opinion is that people/ governments would do well to invest more time and money in making friends and creating a community where everyone has enough and is cared for.

  9. I'm glad to see the teens of Stoneman Douglas fighting for change to our gun laws. I should think we'll be having a local march here & I'm keeping abreast of march events via social media. Change must come. Change will come.

  10. Ma'am, I have followed your rules of commenting on your blog. Why have you deleted my comment twice?

  11. Senator Feinstein has stated she would force "Mr. and Mrs. America" to "turn them all in" if she had 51 Senate votes. Representative Pelosi recently stated that she hopes there is a slippery slope of gun restrictions. Just 13 years ago Americans had their firearms confiscated by the government in New Orleans during a weather emergency while gangs robbed and raped people. Anyone who believes there aren't powerful forces within our government desiring to outlaw and confiscate firearms is naive of history and current events. Recognition of reality is not paranoia.

    12 gauge shotguns kick hard and are difficult for both men and especially women to use. They require an extreme amount of practice a high degree of dexterity to operate properly. They are not ideal for use by average people in the defense of their homes. My wife uses an AR15 to protect my children when I am not home, as it is the best available firearm for that purpose.

    There is no constitutional right to keep and drive vehicles. We do however have a constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms which shall not be infringed. Licensing and onerous insurance requirements are infringements and I am hard pressed to think of any other rights with similar restrictive prerequisites. Licensing and insurance requirements would not seem to be preventing vehicle ramming attacks as of late, so it's puzzling to see this used as an argument for the prevention of crimes in which firearms are utilized. Furthermore, the actual criminals who commit crimes will not comply with firearms insurance, licensing, or registration requirements.

    Think laws will keep criminals from purchasing firearms, thus keeping everyone safe? Skip over to google to search for photos of the hand crafted machine guns currently being produced by cartel machine shops in South America. Wiki the bath school massacre - the deadliest school mass murder in America which didn't involve firearms at all (also check out the Columbine HS attack page to learn that it occurred during the middle of the Clinton Assault Weapon Ban). To the commenter who thinks mass murders don't occur elsewhere in the world, there are a lot of dead people in Norway, Germany, France, Iraq, Syria, Kenya, Rwanda, and China, to name a few, who might disagree with you. I'm fairly certain the Paris attack Jihadists didn't drop by Le Walmart on their way to the kill zone to pick up their illegal fully automatic rifles and a case of hand grenades – France's already restrictive gun laws did not prevent mass murder. Check your favorite news site for the countless mass stabbings, bombings, chemical attacks, acid attacks, and vehicle ramming attacks which are occurring with increasing regularity, which do not rely on firearms at all.

    This is a dangerous world and it would seem that many of your commenters have been lulled into a false sense of security by our relatively calm way of life in America. Actively seeking to be come weaker and defenseless is not an affirmative plan for protecting oneself from the clear and present evil on this Earth.

  12. Ma'am, after reading through your blog a bit, I am even more puzzled by your viewpoint. Why would any practicing Pagan with a knowledge of the history of her belief be in favor of any restrictions, conditions, or limitations on firearms carry and ownership in a land largely populated and governed by Jews, Christians, and Muslims? Considering historical events, shouldn't pagans be highly motivated to be armed and ready to defend themselves at all times, with the most effective weaponry available, without any restrictive limitations in place such as licensing and insurance requirements?


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If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
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