Saturday, February 24, 2018

Lot More Then Blab Blab

Expression one self at times can be difficult. Or it might even seem somewhat impossible. Orange candles can represent "expression" which I want to mainly focus on this post.
I often wonder if we don't have trouble expression but those around us might have trouble interpret.
But often we have preconceive thoughts and ideals, before anything is express. But one needs always remember we have no control of how someone will take on what we express.
But I won't suggest anyone keep there month shut. Civilized is the key word.

One day my friend Qunella and I was having a cup of coffee up in the loft at Under The Sun and there a photo of lady, taking in the 1800's I would guess.
Qunella and I see the expression on the lady face complete different. I see worry, and I'm sorry I don't recall how my friend see it.

Symbols of different sort been use to express one self. Flowers was given at one time to express ones feelings. If someone send you bouquet of flowers and they have pansy, could mean love in idleness, to think, or even possible, free thinkers.
Lark spar could have the meaning of strong attachment, lightness, or even possible pure heart.
Gladiolus could have the meaning of never give up, strength of charter, and even possible intergy.
All art forms been use to express and even heal some. But the sad thing we might not complete understand what one might be saying.

I know someone who paints all sort of front entries, and there all different. Question time...What comes to your mind in this painting?
Half of life being told and the other half not...having straight shot or waiting for an opportunity.
So many question anyone of could ask about this painting.

Would it be lovely when we express our self that everyone would actual understand what we are actual saying.
It doesn't matter the media which we choose to express our self. But that we do express our self.

Coffee is on


  1. Hari OM
    Very true! That is a lovely painting - I find myself thinking 'invitation to adventure - or a longing for exploration'... YAM xx

    1. I can see adventure but with caution

  2. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Definitely my first thought was India.

    1. I saw India but I know I didn't actual want to look at place, but feelings

  3. I’m wondering why the door is only half open. Is something holding the artist back?

  4. What comes to mind when I see that painting? Pretty colors. I like that deep blue that's almost a purple. (And nothing else. I don't get very deep sometimes.)

  5. Bright colors are what caught my eye first. I like how the door at the far end shows blue sky.


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