Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Sort Of Not

I was total surprise my weight was up. It was weigh in for T.O.P.S and I gain over a pound. Last week my average calorie intake was 1,730.
Our dist coordinator came and see how our group was ran..Our group has a chart and our sectary keeps track of our weigh gain and lost. Our group was up 2 pounds.
One thing we do is a pledge for a week....Here is my pledge..."I will not eat after 7PM" I repeated once again.
She was impress with it. Not sure how she felt about the rest of the meeting. We have a can filled with topic we can talk about. The person who loose the most weight for the week can draw out of the can.
So today was...Question time...what is some of your bad habits and some of your good ones?...Putting things off. I keep telling my self I need to go for a walk and I actual like walking. I sort Scarlett O'Hara and delaying it "I'll thinking about that tomorrow, tomorrow is anther day". But I can't tell you how many times in morning and I think about doing walk but I say to my self "Oh I will that this evening" and don't follow though.
But I develop a good habit that I been keeping a food journal and decreasing my calorie count by 25 a week.
Like I said I was up. I start a goal that I would be down to 200 pounds by July 4th, and start on April 11 and weigh in at 222. As you can see I gain.
I'll continue to work at loosing weight.

I sort of look though my spending in the month of May. Some of my category I over spent and other I under spent. My Internet bill is do in June. I pay for three months at time which is $177. So that comes under my yearly bills. So this time coming up. I will pay my Internet and put a side $80 for some other up coming bill. I know I have some bills coming due in September once again Internet, and house insurance.
Computer is back to normal. But I still want to share photos and I'm going to see if my grand niece Meg and see if she can fix it so I can once again start posting photo

I get tired of eating the same thing. So I sign up for BLUE APRON. My son Sawyer does it. But we're only going to get box last week of the month. Couldn't afford to do it on weekly.
Got a call from Bart he seem chipper. And he told me it was all my fault he has a brain tumor. My reply was have your insurance company sue me, and
 they would have to take my place and I will be moving in.
So he going to tomorrow and see the surgeon who remove his tumor, and we will know more.
He doesn have his sense of humor.
Statement time...I belive it would be easier to keep postive attidude if we live in a make believe world.

Coffee is on


  1. My weight is up a little bit too, because I've been eating cake and ice cream instead of apples and grapes for dessert. I had frozen cakes in the freezer and I ate them to make room so I can freeze some home made soups.

    1. I did have some cheese cake during last week

  2. Hari OM
    I've given up giving myself the guilts about the daily walking and accept that I fail myself in that regard! Here's hoping the surgeon is happy with Bart's progress... YAM xx

    1. There things I should cut back on or even give up.

  3. Weight is often like a bouncy ball..... it's up and it's down. Now I just allow my scale to collect dust. I wish you luck in your weight quest.

    My one-year puppy is high energy demanding exercise so that means I have to get out and walk if I feel like it or not. I have never noticed that walking influences my weight but I guess it keeps me from rusting. Haha

  4. I'm a little frustrated by my weight loss efforts, too. We do the best we can.

  5. I certainly hope Bart was joking.

    1. He was...But I know neither one of my son want me to move in.
      Coffee is on

  6. My good habit is exercising every morning. I do it at the start of the day and then feel good for the rest of the day. My bad habit/ trait is that I'm sensitive. I hate conflict and will avoid it all costs, but sometimes this means I get pushed around a bit by those with bully tendencies.

    1. I never yet ment any one like conflicts.

  7. I've been procrastinating about getting back into walking but started back a few days ago and went again today.

    1. Glad to hear. I did take a walk this morning

  8. Oh you are not alone re procrastinating Dora, we all do it.. I think why do it today when I can do it tomorrow 😀 your son has a good sense of humour but I can tell that you are a bit worried, hopefully you will know soon that all is well.


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