Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Now What Do I Say

As all of you know by now that it almost been a week since my son had tumor remove from his brain.
My son did call and by his voice he doing better.
But since the biopsy isn't back. We don't know for sure if it benign or malignant. But still I can hear a little worry in his voice.
I guess the hardest part for me is trying to keep positive attitude and keeping a reality in check.
His age is his biggest factor that favors him, he 26. His will to take care of his family a wife and one daughter, plenty of support, and he is in good health.
Plus the doctor seem positive and the surgery did go well.

I did mange to get in a short walk this morning and I was under my daily calorie count. Today I ate 1,781 and what I'm trying for is 1,897

Both my clients goes to group and Regis got his day mix up. And thought today is there luncheon. They was going to have chili, but it next week.
Today topic was EMPATHY and seeing it from the other point of view. I've wonder why some people lack empathy.
Well there wired that way and or they live in there own little world. And believes everyone lives as they do.
I found this little QUIZ on empathy. By this quiz I have empathy.
Confession time...I feel better when people ask me about Bart it helps me knowing someone cares.

One thing I need to get someone to look at my computer so I can put up photos. My locker hook rug is coming a long nicely.
And still on the right hand side of blog there is a link "Dasiy Teeth Cleaning" and I'm seeking donation. I would like to thank those who shared her story and donated. Remember I match donation up to $50
I vacuum before I went to work.

Coffee is on


  1. Fingers crossed and nothing but good thoughts and wishes for your son.

  2. He should get word soon on the outcome. Relax for now. Sending good thoughts.

  3. Sounds like Bart is doing well. Best wishes on the tests coming back with the tumor being benign.

    1. He young and that his biggest advantage

  4. Good to hear Bart is sounding better, probably the biopsy results will come soon. I think if it was malignant they would tell you right away because he would need more surgery. I'm thinking positive thoughts for him and you.

    1. Next Thursday they will know for sure

  5. Of course it feels better when others express concern for Bart. We are all sending good thoughts, positive vibes. My daughter is 26, same age as Bart, and I can well imagine how I'd feel if she became ill. Hugs.

    1. It does feel better when other express concern. It would be more diffucult

  6. Hari OM
    I agree with others; the positive far outweighs the potential negative. Whatever eventuality, positivity will be a healing grace. I shall go have a read of that article on empathy - I see that it is part of a university research, which is great! ...and I never thought for a moment that you didn't have empathy Dora!!! Huggies, YAM xx

    1. Not sure put empathy helps one grow. spiritual

  7. It's always hard to wait for news like this. Hang in there. Your many friends are waiting with you.

  8. He should do just fine, empathy, that is a tough one...

    1. I know my son should do fine, but as his mom sometime I become depress

  9. Glad to hear he is doing well. Hope the results are in soon.

  10. I'm glad to hear Bart is recovering so well, at his age he will do good, yes there will be worry until everything is back but this is normal.

    1. His age is his best factor in his favor. I know I would take longer to heal

  11. Fingers and toes crossed it was benign. I have a friend who went through this and all she lost was the hearing on the left, otherwise she´s alife and kickin'!
    Waiting is horrible. Try to make time fly with fun-stuff.

  12. I think the waiting is the worst part - it's fear of the unknown.

    1. Fear is pretty bad but not being able to do something about it is also pretty bad

  13. feeling helpless is a terrible feeling! keep hanging in there!


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