Thursday, October 06, 2016

Looking A Head

It amazing how weather sometime determined ones choices in life. Big or small. As you know who visit here about our deck building project been slow by my work schedule or weather.
This Saturday our community is having there annual quilt show in Bonners Ferry and I want to go see it. I ask my friend Alice to go.  I know it won't take long to see our quilt show one to two hours.

When I got on our T.O.P.S scale I was up and this morning when I got on our scale I was down. Since I'm here talking about my weight I should put in what I ate.
Breakfast Pancake, with peanut butter and strawberries.
Lunch Pizza which was left over from last night dinner.
Dinner. Spaghetti and green salad.
Snack chocolate bar which my hubby help me on. Small cup of gelalto when it comes to ice cream I gave up the bowl. I place it in a cup and that way I can control the amount I have.

By your comment what one need to live on is sure is different for everyone. If I didn't work I know our life would pretty much would be what I would call a tough surviving wage. But we could do it, because we done it before.
But as we know our hind sight is 20/ 20. I could of or should of done things differently. But why cry over spilled milk.

Yesterday I went over to Troy Mt to see my friend LaWalla who got me start on locker hooking. It a no brainier.
So I believe this Christmas I'll be giving out trivets made from locker hooking.

Our weight lost group T.O.P.S is running anther contest. This one isn't one I thought up. But usual contest keeps everyone on task.
It ends shortly before Thanksgiving.
We usual put in fifty cent to one dollar a week. And usual it is the one who loose the most weight for the time period  will take the jack pot. Most of the Jack Pot been between twenty and forty dollars.
But this time we all bring in a little something other then money. The first three people who lost most weight will get to pick first from the gifts/ prizes brought.
I'm going to up a trivet put with fall colors.

I'm trying to anther swift duster cover but instead of long ways. I'm going to try short way across and see if that works better.
Since the trivet is my first one I'll keep for my self.

             Coffee is on


  1. I am wanting to make a cover fro my swiffer. I finally bought some yarn to attempt doing it.

  2. You make me so curious as to what I did with all my crochet hooks. I had a whole tube of them from skinny ones to fat ones. That work does look interesting!

  3. I've never heard of peanut butter on a pancake before. Usually I have butter and maple syrup, sometimes squeeze on some lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar instead. But never tried peanut butter.

  4. Your projects look great.

    And love to read the encouragement for weight loss.

  5. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I wish we would have a quilt show around here. I love to go and get ideas and drool over the people who really know how to quilt. I wish I had a quilting machine. It's difficult to quilt on a sewing machine.

  6. Hari OM
    That wgt-loss competition sounds a very positive incentive! And now that I see exactly what you mean when you talk about the lock-work I recall my mother had done something like this many years back... it is very effective and useful! Hope your weekend is shining... YAM xx

  7. Your weight loss incentive sounds really good. I'm competing against my husband at the moment, but money would be an excellent motivator!


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