Friday, September 30, 2016

Little Day Dreaming.

I don't see my ceramic shop coming together until I'm 60 or unless I win the lottery. But we all know the odds to that.
But there still small things I can do toward it. So I wrote out how I will be pricing things. Two things I notice about lot of local business that they over price items and hoping in one sale they will have enough to retire on. But the average medium income here is a little over $39,000 a year. Between my husband and I we never made that. Usual we stick between $20,000 and $30,000. But our local  capital income is around $20,000.
But the medium price of a home is around $173,000. But it also said that about 20% of our population lives in poverty.
So I want my prices that majority of our local population who wants to do ceramic could find something in there price range.
Pretty much figure how I'll price items but one thing I haven't figure how to charge for rental of GLAZES.
Some items will take more then others. If I recall 4oz should do about 4 coffee mugs.
Don't want to charge an outrage price, want to make slight profit, and not tossing glaze.

I thought Regis and I was going out to check on Paul, and get Liz garbage. But Regis want to go yard selling instead which suits me just fine.
Confession time....No one likes to be around Paul when he so drunk. Some one made the comment is he learn his lesson. Not really! If I was going to bet he still drink until he blacks out. It would been the best thing is the Judge sent him to 48 or 72 hour mental health evaluation.

Didn't take that much cash when I went yard selling. I was out to mainly find some fabric to make those LOCKER HOOK up coming project. But didn't want to pay retail for fabric.
So our first yard sale we went to was on the north hill. I did get an X large man Cotton shirt I thought it might fit Murphy it was $1.00 and it didn't I could cut up for strips. But it fit.
At that yard sale he got some nice brushes and oil paints.

Then we went to a Christmas yard sale. They had a few snowman and I do have collection of snowmen that I display during the yule season. Regis got 2 DVDs.

Then we went to the sale that the Episcopal was having I got one shirt which cost fifty cent and that one will be cut into strips.

We did go to the yard sale at the fair ground it was a craft supplies sale. Lot of wood cut out. I got some acrylics never been open a quarter each. I got 4 wooden Christmas Ornaments to paint. Regis got some wooden boxes.

Last sale I went to was at the Methodist rummage sale. I did pick up some snowmen. But they had quite a selection of fabric. Plus they went to a storage and had a tote full of cotton fabric. All nice piece and haven't had a chance to go though it all.
There rummage sale is done by donation and look like Regis got some cool stuff to.

On the way home I got 3 piece of fabric at the thrift store south end of town. Gave two dollars and got fifty cent back.

Yes. a little polling now. Since I ask on my facebook and twitter page. Question time.....How do you think your life will change with Clinton in the oval office?
Here is my answer that I gave on facebook.... With Clinton in office. I doubt my life would change much. Wages, disabilty and social security might go up, very little. I don't see a one payer system coming in. But I could see lowering Medicare age down a little, As for our infrastucture promplem I don't see Clinton getting enough tax base to do much....But it all depends what happen with Legislative and Judical branches of gov't.

                                  Coffee is on


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love pottery and try to purchase things I will use, like bowls for cereal and salad, and mugs.
    I've always loved textiles and find that knitting is my favorite medium and spinning is second.

  2. Looks like you got some good deals. Congrats.

  3. I think there is some kind of formula to figure out how to charge for things according to what you pay for supplies, energy, space and time. I can't remember who has it, sorry. You could google it for your business.

    What pretty flowers!

    Nice bunch of fabrics!

  4. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I'm dying over that fabric Dora. You know how much I LOVE my fabric. - I too collect snowmen. :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I read some of your posts. I hate paying taxes! If everyone paid it wouldn't bother me so much, but they don't. I'm talking about my own family, I'm the only one who pays, annoying as hell.


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