Tuesday, May 31, 2016

I'm A Color

What color is little oh me, or not so little me may be. I've been reading book and now I'm in area of what your style.
The book ask you to pick a color. and use a phrase some thing like "I'm green" or if you want to step it up a bit. you could use something like. "I'm a solid green".
But I would have to choice a multi phrase to truly use any color I am. Like a rainbow I see two side or some time multi tones or rhythm.
"I'm an angry red" or I'm a fiery red"
"I'm a glowing orange" or "I'm sweet and juicy orange"
"I'm thirsty yellow" or "I'm pissed yellow"
"I'm common green" or "I'm solid green"
"I'm flowing blue" or "I'm a large blue"
"I'm a safe indigo" or "I'm a knowledgeable indigo"
"I'm special violet" or "I'm shinny violet"
There many other colors I like. But I seam to be attract and also fine comfort in most colors.
But I like bright and strong colors. I like how some African and South American native styles.

I've been diving into the Philadelphia  1850 census looking for surname "Shirley" or "Ross" my 2nd great grand parents was married in Philadelphia in 1849. But that earliest true document I can fine on them.
As I'm strolling along I found that the area has state asylum for the insane. I've never heard of BLOCKLEY ALMSHOUSE, actual it sound like pretty sad place.
They still don't treat the mental ill and the poor right. But I bet it was worst in 1850.
Haven't yet gone though this section of census.

Weigh in at T.O.P.S and I was up. I haven't been for a while. Went to Under The Sun and had a cup of coffee with Qunella.
There time Safeway will have nice fish at 50% off. Well I luck out and found two $6 something. Since they was discounted I got them for $3 something.
So we had Atlantic Salmon.
Well I know I haven't yet finish dinner but I want to tell you the deal I got.
Breakfast cream of wheat with side of sausage patty. Add a few raisin to the cereal.
Lunch I was home early enough and I had one hard boil egg, my raw crackers, burrito, and slice of cheese.
My two naught food was a pay day candy bar. It been a while since I had a candy bar and it was overly sweet.
I got some fiber one cookies not bad taste and had one.
To top off my dinner a nice green salad lettuce, radish and fresh picked kale from our garden. And for starch we had rice.
 Help make high ditch for the celery which I believe will be planted tomorrow. first of June.
It sort of remind me of the Japanese COMMUNITY  toward Cheney Just West of Spokane. I remember seeing them out working in there fields, and soil black in color.
But they would flood there roll with water, and my husband and I was doing the same basic thing.
Or one could call it to Dutch kids building a dike.

Coffee is on



  1. Do you have to be one color? That seems rather limiting.

  2. I am the glowing green of grass in a spring sunrise.

  3. Anonymous8:27 AM

    My favorite color is red and the one most people associate with me. Red is a difficult color to carry around all the time so at home, when I'm not expected to be "on," I love my blues.. They're so calming to me and remind me of my beloved Great Lakes. - Those asylums were absolutely horrid for people way back when and men could put their wives in them for the most ridiculous of things, and people could just drop off their kids at asylums.. So creepy..

  4. There's a Japanese (American) community near where you live? Interesting! Wouldn't have expected that at all! ;b


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