Saturday, January 23, 2016

Little Step Is a Given

Doesn't look like I have much done. Been slowly turning the small bedroom into a sewing room. I know it over half done.
Got the bigger bulk of it done.
At present time I'm working on the little bits of odds and ends. Trying to figure were it should go. I was planning to sell the book case. But I don't believe I could sell it at the spring yard sale. If I sold then I believe I could end up with trouble of items on it.
So fall yard sale might be a better time.
I can tell you of one thing I have four fans, and want to put two of them in yard sale.

Also went though the bottom of the linen closet. Found a few pairs of shoes. Which was to tight for me.
My mom had skinny feet. She wore a 9 1/2 double A.
Me since I put on weight my feet got wider,. Before that depending on shoe I would wear a B or C width.
Since the weather been crappy I been on tread mill for my walking time. It been snowing but nothing like the East coast. The roads here is slushy or slippery.

. Some things I'm not sure where to put them. Or I can see a future for them. This my keep pile. Even got some of my sons toys.
Which the grand kids can use when they visit.
Also got some of Sawyer school work. I need to send anther bunch of it down to Medford Oregon.
Eating went well today.
Snack consist of peanuts, plain popcorn, and blueberry yogurt.
Breakfast potatoes and eggs.
Lunch bean soup form yesterday. Most soup are better the second heating.
Dinner Spaghetti didn't have any noodles. So we use a spaghetti squash for the noodles, and pea and pods was our dinner veggie.
   Don't think much more will come out of the small bedroom to be put in the yard sale pile. Hopeful I'll have time to go though anther area in our home. But I'm not sure what area will be next.
I can tell you one thing the air conditioner won't be put in the yard sale.
Murphy back is still giving him trouble and he been doing his exercise. He should go have a M.R.I. But we still slight under $500 still on his colonoscopy.
Next pay check which will be Murphy will send the doctor his fee of $50.
Still waiting for the new lab bill. The first one they forgot to bill medicaid and it was $150 dollars. Hopeful it around $30.
We didn't get a supplement. The ones we could afford didn't cover anything until you met a high deductible.
The ones that didn't have a low deductible and high premiums we can't do that either.
What my Aunt Eve pays for her medicare and supplement insurance she still pays $600 a month.
We will have his colonsphy paid off before the end or before April 30. And sure would like to a lease have a spring yard sale before that.

Coffee is on


  1. I could use a bookcase but shipping it would cost too much.

  2. I have found that as soon as I get rid of something - that's when I need or could use it.

  3. BBC...I keep wondering if I should keep it or sell it.
    S.J I'm being very careful what I place in the yard sale

  4. Good luck! Clearing/cleaning/selling is not easy. I have some things that I need to try to sell as well. I haven't gotten around to doing anything with it yet. One of these days...


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