Friday, December 18, 2015

Nothing Regular Maybe My Bath Room Habits Are

   I did real good not one sweet snack today and even looked at some discounted Candy. I love those discounted items, and some time I even buy them. Not because there good for me, because there on sell.
I finish up the box of hot cereal and no one in our house hold liked it, except me. Add a little raisins and almonds to it.
Lunch was pack, work day. Turkey sandwich and banana.
Dinner anther Turkey sandwich.
Yes, I had two hot buttered rums

Murphy and I mange ok on our little bit of income. He gets $669 a month, before he turn 65 his check was $773 a month. Take about $104 for his Medicare.
Actual we could live on that if nothing went wrong. Like now he could replace the battery in our pick up.
So I take home about $850 on my part time job.
Very few programs or some would call "government hand out" we can actual get. Energy is one we get.
The day I took my paper work for this season of Energy Assistants, which was a good two or three weeks ago. Found out that the funding was cut.
Well today I walk in with Carrie and she got some food from there salvage program. Found out from the lady who runs our local COMMUNITY ACTION CENTER that they got funding for 10 people in our area.
So this round we're first on the list.
As I was doing the paper work. Looked over and notice that there was box of blankets and a couple of space heaters.
So I ask about them. She said they were for people to use who needed them.
I thought of Liz out in "Deep Creek" area.
So when I went to Regis place she was there. And I told her about the space heaters. So I drove her over there. She got a space heater and two nice blankets.
Found out that her P.S.R (Psychosocial Rehabittation Worker)thought it would benefit her if she had in home care giver.
She mention it also to LaWalla.
So LaWalla called me this evening, and both of us could use the extra income.
I also told La Walla about the space heaters and blanket at the Community Action Center.

First time this year our roads was slick. Ended up with about six inches of snow.
Since I was at Community Action Center, which is part of the food bank. I grab a few items some Kale, Oranges, Apples, tangerine, and MINCE PIE. Never had it with Mutton before. But had with deer (venison) or elk.

I get great joy when I can lift someone else up.

Coffee is on

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