Sunday, July 19, 2015

Still Hanging In There.

        Haven't played FARMVILLE for a while. It use to be quite a few people use to play ZYNGA games. I did pick up few others but I'm a farmville fan.
I don't play all the farmville games. I don't play daily and also I don't purchase anything at the game sites. So my level are pretty slow at times.
Confession time..The main reason I like playing farmville. You get to help out other farmers, not into games that you have whack off your neighbors. I have a tendency to help others.

I don't believe it will be this up coming Tuesday. I'll be taking anything out to the Hope House. Which I call the free house.
During the summer they have sack lunches and snack bags they give out.
So I'm purchasing mix nuts that will be add to the snack bags.
Confession time...The only day I play farmville is on odd days. The way I choose to play farmville that day 
is to roll a dice and odd number has to come up  I play. 

       Today I felt like tossing in the towel for my weight lost. I know it wasn't going to be a five star day.
Breakfast one pancake with peanut butter and syrup made out of rice. Two strips of bacon
Lunch fired chicken heart and mac “N” Cheese.
Snack I did have an apple.
Dinner fried burger although no bun. Fries with ketchup and some slice veggies from the garden.
Did take a short walk this evening. Two power line poles and back

      Sew more strips together for Daisy rag rug. Thought I would of gotten to the other rag rug today.
Not much rain need to do some watering of the front beds. Looks like the white lilac I planted in spring is hanging in there.

     My mother first cousin passed away and I'll post his obituary 

                         Coffee is on


  1. I play Farmville 2 - do you play that or the original?
    Hope you post a photo of the rag rug when you're done - it's something I have always wanted to try to make, along with quilts.
    Hope you have a good week, Dora!

  2. Anonymous12:32 AM

    I'm sorry about your cousin's passing, and it really doesn't sound like you went off your diet too much, you did walk so that cancels out some calories. I play Happy Acres.

  3. Carol I still play the original.

    MiMi. I don't play that many games Candy Crush, Witches bubble, farmville harvest, and the original farmville

  4. You don't want to whack off your neighbor?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Bill...I speak to my neighbor and wave. Give them produce but I don't get involve in there life. I believe good fence and gates makes good neighbors.


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