Sunday, January 05, 2014

Peppy's Bucket List

I thought I started a bucket list and post on my blog. Either I didn't or I lost it. I thought the movie ''The Bucket List was an cute but interesting movie. Soon after the movie was release it seem a lot people world wide web start to list things they want to do.
They even have a bucket list on the web. I start to look though what other put on there bucket list.
I like to come up with 100 things to do before I die...I know I'll have to come back and up date my list.

I thought I started a bucket list and post on my blog. Either I didn't or I lost it. I thought the movie “The Bucket List” was an cute but interesting movie. Soon after the movie was release it seem a lot people world wide web start to list things they want to do.
They even have a bucket list on the web. I start to look though what other put on there bucket list.
I like to come up with 100 things to do before I die...I know I'll have to come back and up date my list

Learn to Knit (Art-Craft) (1)
Relearn to Crochet (Art-Craft) (2)
Make a Quilt (Art-Craft)(3)
Learn to do tatting (Art-crafts)(4)
Learn to throw clay on pottery wheel (Art-Craft)(5)
Learn to weave (Art-Craft) (6)
Make clay sculpture (Art-Craft)(7)
Learn wood working (Art-Craft) (8)
Make Jewelry (Art-Craft) (9)
Wood Working (Art-Craft) (29)
Scrapbook (Art-Craft) (30)
Embroidery 7 dishtowels (Art-Craft) (81)
Learn 4 basic crochet stitches (89) (Art-Craft) (89)

Make Puff Pastry (Cooking) (10)
Make Ice Cream (Cooking) (11)
Make a Jelly Roll (Cooking) (12)
Make Stollen (Cooking) (13)
Make Souffle (Cooking) (14)
Make Yogurt (Cooking) (15)
Make a Tart (Cooking) (16)
Make a Torte (Cooking) (17)
Make Biscotti (Cooking) (18)
Host a Cookie exchange (Cooking) (21)
Make Cheese (Cooking) (22)
Make Cream Puff (Cooking)(83)
Make Eclair (Cooking)(84)

Make a Compost bin (Gardening) (19)
Grow Cucumbers (Gardening) (20)
Plant and grow Asparagus (Gardening) (22)
Plant and grow Blueberries (Gardening) (23)
Plant and grow gold or yellow raspberries (Gardening) (24)
Plant and grow apple-tree (Gardening) (25)
Plant and grow apricot tree (Gardening)(26)
Plant and grow cherry tree (Gardening) sweet-sour (27)
plant and grow pear tree (Gardening) (45)
Plant an herb garden (Gardening) (59)
Plant and grow Kiwi (Gardening) (61)

Plant and grow Lingonberry (Gardening) (62)
Plant and grow Gooseberries (Gardening) (63)
Plant and grow Rhubarb (Gardening) (64)
Fix the garden fence (Gardening)(82)

Go to Jackson and Pokagan Michigan (Travel-Genealogy)(30)
Go to Minnatare, Hayspring, Kearny, Nebraska (Travel -Genealogy) (31)
Go to Carson and Dubuque Iowa (Travel-Genealogy) (33)
Go to Senca Kansas (Travel-Genealogy) 34
Go to Vanhornsville New York (Travel-Genealogy) 35
Go to Nova-Scotia Canada (Travel-Genealogy) (36)
Go to Fishing Creek and Indiana Pennsylvania (Travel-Genealogy) (37)
Go to Concord, Goeffstown, Derryfield, Greenland, and Pembroke, New Hampshire (Travel-Genealogy) (40)
Go to Norton Massachusetts (Travel-Genelogy)(74)
Go to Switzerland (Travel-Genealogy)(75)
Go to Fountain Green, Illinois (Travel-Genealogy) (77)
Go to Wallington, Kingsington, Connecticut (Travel-Genealogy) (78)
Go to Colne, (Essex) England (Travel-Genealogy) (79)

Complete Bloomsday (Well Being) (41)
Get Down So I can wear a size 12-14 (Well Being) (42)
Dye my hair a wild color (Well Being) (59)
Be Under 200 pounds by or before the end of Feb, 2014 (Well Being) (68)
Still Be at under 200 pounds by the first day of Spring 2014 (Well Being) (69)
Be at 185 first day of summer 2014 (Well Being) (70)
Still be at or under 185 pounds as of Aug 1, 2014 (Well Being) (71)
Be at or under 165 By the end of October. (Well Being) (72)
Don't go over 170 during the holidays of 2014 (Well Being)

Write a book (Self) (43)
Keep Track of Spending for year (Self) (44)
Learn to play the harp (Self) (76)
Attend Blogher Conference (85)

Attend a full Moon Service (Self-Spiritual) (65)
Attend a Sabbat Service (Self-Spiritual)(66)
Write a letter to Pope Francis (Self-Spiritaul) (67)

Get a C.D.L (Self-Education) (38)
Get a C.N.A (Self-Education) (39)
Take a Math Class (Self-Education) (44)
Read 15 Books (Self-Education) (45)
Read 36 Magazine Articles (Self-Education) (46)
Read these books in Bible..One begin with the Letter E (Self-Education-Spiritual)
Down load a you tube video (86)
Post a you tube video on my blog (87)
Make You tube video (88)

Yard Sale Shed/Barn (Organization) (47)
Yard Sale Small Bed Room (Organization) (48)
Clean out the small bedroom (Organization) (50)
Sewing Room (Organization-Arts-Crafts) (51)

Put Door on Basement Pantry (Home Improvement) (60)

Paint 15 ceramic pieces (business-Art-Craft-ceramics) (52)
Paint 30 ornaments (business-Art-Craft- Ceramics) (53)
Order molding bands supplies (business-Art-Craft-Ceramics) (54)
Give Away 12 minutiae ceramic pieces (business-art-craft-ceramics)(56)
List 18 pieces on esty (business-art-craft-ceramics) (57)


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    WOW! That's quite a list! Fortunately a lot of them seem rather easily attainable. I like to make goals that I know I can reach to build up my self esteem to tackle the really big goals that I'm not so sure about sometimes.. Great post..

  2. Wow re your having thought up of 100 things you'd like to do before you die. Hope you achieve them!

    BTW, I've been to Switzerland -- including Geneva, Lausanne, Berne, Interlaken and Gruyeres. Highly recommended! :)


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If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...