Wednesday, January 01, 2014

A Four Minute Round Of Applause

A New Year has arrive. Neither Murphy or I stayed up to see it in. I figure when woke up in the morning it would be 2014.
I had a shot of peach whiskey which I receive from the Christmas gift exchange. Actual I would like to try some more flavored whiskeys.
This year no resolutions. Not saying I'm not going to try to Improve. We're all works in progress. Simple I can't change anyone but I can make the choice to change my self, if I so desire to. No 180 degree change is coming. So I'm not going shave my head.
I post about cleaning out the barn/shed last year. Well I got though all the shelf and took a good solid 10% to the thrift stores. I found a lot items that could come handy. I got enough stuff and never can fine it and put it to use.
New Year Eve morning we just had a weigh in at our local T.O.P.S (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) for 2013 I lost a little over 5 pounds for the year.
My oldest son Sawyer got married and love having a daughter in law.

I'm not going to ramble on about 2013. But the next up coming post will be my bucket list.

Coffee is on   


  1. excellent point on us all being works in progress.

    happy new year!

  2. Congrats on the weight loss. I have no plans for this year either. And not given any thought to a word for this year either. Happy new year to you and your family.

  3. I was up at midnight but was sick as hell so it doesn't count. Went and got some meds today and think I'm on the mend now.

    Peach whiskey or peach brandy? I love brandy but that stuff sneaks up on you so you have to be careful with it. Folks used to give it to their kids to make them sleep.

    Actually, I just may shave my head this year. :-)

  4. BCC It peach whiskey 80 proof.Nice mellow taste.

  5. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Excellent way of putting that, we truly are all works in progress. Happy New Year too you and yes, try more flavored whiskeys! I hope that's on your bucket list. ;)

  6. Happy New Year, Dora!!!

  7. Happy New Year Dora!!


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...