Saturday, January 18, 2014

Not Sure Why At This Point I Could Careless

Not sure what going on with blogger. I posted yesterday and later on in the day I had bunch of links showed up on my blog post...Links that made no sense to me.. .The word home would be underline that would take you to something not even related to home.

Yesterday I went over to Faith and help look though the essay contest for our human right celebration which will be tomorrow.
The middle and high school has a chance to write an essay and the top one is read at the celebration. This year topic "workers right a human rights issue"
We also offered first time this year, a essay contest for adults. Posted on facebook, and two paper picked it up. Only receive one entry and it was from my friend Qunella.
It was our first time having an adult or open contest to the public...Personal I thought it was all in timing, around holidays. I believe if we put out the word after Christmas we may get more action. Murphy thought why we didn't get any entry was because of the topic.

 There a petition going around in Idaho to raise up minimum wage and have it base by consumer price index. But getting something on ballot is pretty hard in Idaho.

Back to essay. It was interesting reading about what the young people thought about the current working situation. I believe most of them came to conclusion that one couldn't support a family on the federal minimum wage of $7.25
Two really stuck in my mind...Thought the free enterprise system would be a fair and just way of sitting wages...Statement time....At one time we had plenty of robber barron and there making a come back. 
The other one that sticks in my mind is one that each state should regulate there own wages...Statement time...I know there would be states who would aloud really low or lowest wages and think nothing wrong with exploiting someone.
Question time...I wonder five or seven years down the road these high school young people will be singing the same tune.
I thought most of them had pretty good gasp on the up coming working life.

I made some cream cheese cookies to take to the celebration and I think Tuesday I'll post what what happen at the "Human Right Celebration"

Coffee is on


  1. I didn't see any out of place links in your post of yesterday.

    In a few areas here they are trying to get the minimum wage up to 15 dollars an hour.

    Men will always be men, yes?
    “They brought a man in on a stretcher, he looked like he was almost dead but he still looked at my tits.” – Goldie Hawn

  2. One time I trying to figure how little we go survive on. Take care of ones need, not wants and be legal.
    We could do it on $500 a month and I would have to look up my lucky rabbit foot and life better be sailing along on smooth sails.
    I wouldn't be typing this either is I was on survival wages.

    Coffee is on

  3. Oh, you might be typing it, but you would have to go to the library to type it.


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If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...