Friday, January 10, 2014

Bloggers Block So Here Is My Day

One of those evening I have “posting block” I guess I'll post about my day. Not very exciting and which suit me fine.
I been reading and I'm almost finish with an article about the new pope, Francis
Opinion time...This pope is breath of fresh air, but the catholic church is backward in so many ways....They need to let woman or married men into they got set up it just makes people pervert.
But him speaking out on income gap is admirable trait.
In that same New Yorker I just finish reading about evolution. Opinion time...species comes and goes so does human. I believe human are always evolving for many reason...Who knows what we will be like in a million years a so. But it usual are own fault not being good Stewards of this planet we graze upon.
One more article I want to read is about “plant intelligences”
I've never read a fantasy store so I went into our local library a check out In the Forests of Serre 

Went to work this morning my client husband had growth taken off his back about the size of a mug. Not sure what it is. But he told me that his wife “pees on him” My reply was “oh you two must be into golden showers” Actual it takes quite a bit to embarrasses me, but it can be done.
I hope the growth on his back isn't anything.

I ran up and visit my friend Quenella.

Trying to get my “bucket list” up to 100. I did get one completed I made a souffle with sweet potatoes and it came out. Looking froward try different ones.
I have 20 more things to figure out what I want to try....

Coffee is on


  1. That is a long bucket list.

    "golden showers"


  2. "This pope is breath of fresh air, but the catholic church is backward in so many ways....They need to let woman or married men into ministry..." AMEN. I could not agree more.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...