Sunday, December 22, 2013

Praise The Lord For More Mental Illness

I wonder about these religious heavy duty people. 24 hours seven days week for year after year. They live around there faith.
The other day I was sitting in starbuck waiting for my client to get done shopping. A lady came in from Kalispell Montana she had two children with her a boy and girl. Plus at the other end was a young male. We talk about coffee.
Wasn't me brought up religion or politics. But somehow the conversation got leaning that way. The lady said there house hold was a “Christian one, and man is head of the house hold” To fine out that some reason CPS (Child Protecting Service) had paid her visit.
I guess blind faith is post to help you out. For a few minutes I thought someone was going to sing a hymn or two.
I know alcoholics and druggies are lacking a higher power. There really encourage to find a higher power to help them over come. You know “We (I) Shall over come” Listen to lord our god. Sound like there promoting “ schizophrenia”
The man there came up with the theory that “The government don't won't us to be Christian nation” Opinion time...The government should be taxing the churches..Or charging admission people to attended. Hell! I went to a concert, play or etc I have to pay admission.
Then also he thought that the christian would be the first to have there gun taken away. See anther mantel illness being promoted Paranoid disorder. Any day now you better keep close eye out “Devil is going to bite you on the ass”
put all into the lord money and time. What else one can give to the lord. I bet the lord actual would like a 90% tithing into the offering. There anther mental illness “Addictive Personality”
I could go on more about religion as mental illness can't function with out. I've seen alcoholics this way. My dad drank a fifth and function worked on railroad for 50 years .
I believe in a higher power but I know I'm not going to pray and receive a cup of coffee. I have to get off my rear end and do what needs to be done.

Coffee is on

1 comment:

  1. I believe in a higher power but it is just nature. But I'm not going into all that here.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...