Saturday, August 03, 2013

Lacking One Computer Does Have It's Advantage

During the month of July I found this site ultimate blog challenge and four times a year one blogs every day. Well July was one of those months. But with the computer issue it just didn't work out. One thing I did enjoy getting the chance to visit other bloggers.
I guess the next one will be in October and last year I took part in Samhain Sirens or take stop at there facebook page
By then I should have my computer issue taken care of.

The garden is starting to be harvest. Actual as I'm at super one computing hubby got the dehydrator going and making fruit leather using raspberries.
Yesterday he and I canned up 12 pints of pickle beets.
Plus chicken isn't a bad buy over at Safeway...ninety nine cents a pound so we can make chicken noodle or dumpling soup.
I actual like dumpling a little better then noodles.
Then we're starting to dig potatoes.

Last Thursday my friend Qunella and I meet at under the sun and had a dish of ice cream. I had chocolate fudge and coconut. But before that I went into.huckleberry variety to get less then five bucks worth of items. But before all this we got some hollyhock seeds, two shades of reds I'll be putting mine out in "Good Will" flower bed.

I haven't found many pagan in my community that celebrates there holidays. So having a treat with Qunella was the way I celebrated lammas
There are a few of us.
There was a tent meeting put on those evil gentility. Murphy asked if we're going and my reply was "We're going ?..."We're not going"..."I'm not going"..."Your welcome to go"
I was to the sponsoring church one time and it sure wasn't my cup of tea.

Since the computer at my home is down and if I want to comput. I have to drag my lap top into town. There is advantage and disadvantage not having my desk top up and running.
The main thing is I'm getting things done.
I've clean out my china hutch. Which I would like to get a different one and turn the present day one into a shelves, put in it in the smaller bed room

I pretty much have my doll plaque done. As I was working on this project I worked on five beads and have one to go.
I got a small witch out which I would like to give a way with Samhain Siren this October. Then also I got a small hen to paint.
 Also start to embroidery a set of pillow cases.

More I think about I'm going to try to get Broadband but still need to contact meadow creek.
But before all that I actual the desk top needs to go in the shop.

Coffee is on


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Great post. And you are right on all points in my humble opinion! Thanks for sharing your thoughts today.

  2. I love love love your post! I've had a wonky computer a couple of times since using my Dad's 27 years ago until this wonderful lap top that I have now! The wonky laptop is under the guest bed waiting to be used by my husband after he fixes it!

    I'm sorry you had a bad experience with a church. I did growing up because I was forced to go so I really searched my Spiritual Life and found out that I don't HAVE to go to church, man puts that demand on us.

    Regards, Carolyn

  3. Shoot, I blog every day that I'm at home, but don't blog when I'm on trips or camping trips.

    A couple of my tomatoes are starting to turn red, pretty damn good for this area.

  4. Love the fact that you just randomly check out site sand such. I am trying to do a little bit more of that myself. Also, love your dog - I have on that is similar - she is mixed but definitely has a LOT of the look.

  5. i picked up some apples this morning that were new crop. it's about time, i was getting pretty sick of those storage apples.

    yesterday i harvested my first tomato. lucky me.


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