Sunday, July 07, 2013

Where Now Shall It Go

Now we're on the North side of our place. This side will be the most difficult. Chimney and the porch is in the way. But actual there not much damage.

I've always want to put a small tree under 15 feet in height on the North side. For about two months July and August in late afternoon the sun sure heats up that side.
Getting the scaffolding into a good position on this side to paint, could be a feat in it self. There is out side entrance to the basement to contend with.

I've heard it both ways. To or Not to cut back the leaves on Iris once there done blooming. Murphy actual enjoys the leaves on Iris.
The iris leaves was blocking the light to the other plants.
So I weed and roughly cut back about 10% of iris leaves. To help let in some light. Some of my flowers are pretty small do to lack of sunlight.
I'm waiting for the lilies to open up. As I was cutting the iris back and weeding. I end up breaking one of the lilies, on the short side. So I put it in coffee cup and in hope it will open.
Actual there only little bit of color now, one little ole purplish poppy and a two small bunch of lavender in bloom.

In our veggie garden we planted a short roll of green beans. Ran out of bean seeds! So I had an old seed pack of nasturtiums from 2008. Finish the bean roll out with the nasturtiums.
The strawberries are starting to dwindling out. I would guess I got a gallon of berries of our last picking.
Pick our first mess of beet greens. Hubby and I will have them for dinner.
For your info...My late Aunt Joyce couldn't every get her tongue around the word “Nasturtiums” so she would call them “Nasty Ladies”

I'm still figuring how to increase the garden. I would like a place for fruit trees and berries. Our garden is about 24X40 feet.
Once the south side of the place is done. I'll have anther place open an 8X30 a good place for herbs and other produce.
So That will free some space in the main veggie garden.
One need to be careful of what and where things are planted...deer sure can be a pest.

Huckleberry season is now here. We're working on place but rather be out getting huckleberries.

Coffee is on


  1. It looks like you have a big garden with a lot of work in front of you! But you'll also have a lot of healthy eating in your future, and joy in watching everything grow. Working in the earth is one of the best ways to relieve stress!

  2. Busy lady! I got tuckered out just reading your post. :-) best of luck with your garden and house projects--as well as with the blog challenge!

  3. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I envy your garden, and all the yummy things it will produce! Great post. I look forward to seeing more.

    (stopped by for that promised coffee, btw ;-)

  4. Looks as if you are making progress!


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Today Is Thursday, May 9, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Camera and laptop didn't want to cooperate, yesterday. Our snow apple tree is in bloom. Such a pretty tree. Did my morning walk. S...