Friday, February 15, 2013

Weekend Photo Hunt (Food-Minisule)

Last Tuesday the 12th I turn 53. So Murphy bought some special food for us to eat. As one can see he picked up a crab and a fudge chocolate cake. 
We surly don't live in filthy and Murphette doesn't either. I won't say I'm spotless homemaker. What I gather from Murphette when she was in Bakersfield the people who she knew down there lived in filthy condition. There are cockroaches all over there apartment.
Before she came up she wash; shook out everything and sat traps in car she rented. But some how the little cockroaches hopped in and travel up to North Idaho.
So Murphy and I been cleaning every-little miniscule of crap in the corners , under every nook and cranny.

Next weekend Photo Hunt will be pet portrait  and or upper


  1. Cockroaches do very well down south in the warmer climates, I don't think you have to worry too much about what she brought north becoming a problem, they'll just likely die off. They are tough though, one will live for nine days after its head is cut off.

    I haven't eaten any crab for years, but when I was in Alaska the women there sure did know how to make it taste good.

    Happy birthday.

  2. Cleaning miniscule sources of litter does help to keep the bugs away

    My miniscule effort is at

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    great take on the combined theme.

  4. Lindas fotos!beijos,chica

  5. Anonymous5:04 AM

    EWWWWW - terrible when people bring uninvited guests home!

    Happy birthday!

  6. The fudge cake sounds good! Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy birthday! Murphy bought a crab to celebrate your birthday?

  8. Happy belated birthday ! what a nice plate to eat !

  9. Those miniscule bugs are unwelcomed guests!
    but the crab looked yummy.

  10. Happy Birthday. Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do, bugs will invade.

  11. Parabéns pelo aniversário!

    Eu nunca vi desses bichinhos mas já vi pulgas, e muitas! Já as tive na cama e olhe que não foi fácil livrar-me delas, mas consegui!


  12. Happy belated Birthday! And eww on bugs...:)

  13. 53 is an excellent age, not too old and not too young.

  14. I thunk you wuz older than that, that is a pretty damn good age, you have a lot of bullshit coming at you, hang on tight. Just take my word for it, I'm 69.

  15. Belated happy birthday! The crab looks like it wants to intimidate any visitor of your blog. :D


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