Friday, February 01, 2013

Weekend Photo Hunt (daub-looking out of your window)

I very rarely measure when I cook. Confession time....The reason I don't measure I don't like doing dishes. I didn't say I didn't do dishes.
One thing I like to do is put a daub of cool whip on my pudding and mix it together.
  I actual had anther picture to post. One thing of living in North Idaho your surround with beauty of nature.
Friday morning I was sitting on the couch having my morning coffee; watching the morning news. Look out our front window among the bare tree branches. The moon was in it half stage but still had powerful luminescence before sitting in the western horizon.

Next weekend photo hunt theme will be Landscape or Promise

Midwinter arrive! It look more like winter then spring around this place. Imbolc  is celebration of mid winter.
But actual there a few sign of spring. The flower bed below our front window is showing bulbs barely poking though the soil. The field which was plowed late last fall; one can see more and more dirt lauds popping up though the snow.
Finely the ice around here on the roads is slowly slipping away.
But in the town of Bonners Ferry one can walk freely and not worried about falling.

Not sure how we're going to celebrate Imbolc. What every I decided it going to be pretty light; nothing big. Sort of thinking purchasing some pistachio nuts and doing up a smoothie for a ground hog celebration.

I got my self a fishing liaison $24.75. I haven't done any fishing for ages. Actual I real haven't done any fishing since I became a mom. I would go fishing with the boys when the were young.
Mid February on the Kootani river the large spawning fish will be running. I believe by then the moon will be dark.

Murphy is finely understanding about in-home care and it's bull shit. Well he sure isn't being so pushy about home care.

I don't thinking I've said anything about Murphette heading out of Bakersfield. She coming back to North Idaho.

One last thing. I know one person who just got high speed internet out in my neck of woods. Then I heard of anther one who also got it.
So I'm looking into it.

Coffee is on.


  1. Sure have had a mild winter here.

  2. I'm not much of a cook either... but I could do that pudding daubing too! ;b

  3. Really looking forward to living next to Nature after living most of my life in the city. Wish to wake up every morning to birds chirping and lots of greenery.

  4. That's a beautiful view on the nature and with the moon on top !

  5. i have yet to try that cool whip on a pudding!

    i participated in today's photohunt theme, too, and you can find it here

  6. Great pictures for the theme! I LOVE to cook, but that still looks yummy to me!

    This is my first winter in NS for years, it is so different from the winters where I used to live. I keep waiting for real winter to hit LOL

    My post is up: My Saturday Photohunt

  7. A wonderful shot of the moon behind the trees! I could happily eat that pudding right now. :)

  8. Anonymous2:07 PM

    great shot for this week's theme. I could use a big bowl of that pudding . . . haven't had any in ages!

  9. Love cool whip! It works with so many things :)


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