Saturday, October 13, 2012

Weekend Photohunt (empty-water)

Still most of our trees has leaves on them. But our Northwood Maple is empty of leaves.
Editor Note...Not sure what going with the upload of this picture.
At one time when Murphy and I lived up on the North Bench we use one of these old water pumps for our water. Even a pump like this beets hauling water.

Next weekend photohunt themes will be parks and or sassy

Still things are going on over at samhain sirens There offering two give aways

One is over at Sosannas Closet she has an Esty page but she is giving away a Scrying Mirror. Editor Note..One can see on today post over at Samhain sirens...Confession time...never heard of one.
 But I have to say I like her different wreath she done up.
The other give away is a book called “veil between worlds” by Sally Dubats. One can visits her site

Coffee is on.


  1. The autumn leaves are coming along nicely in England :-)

  2. The upload came out looking kind of artsy. I like it.

    That pump might be easier than hauling, but it still looks like hard work.

  3. I can't believe your trees are already 'empty'! Fall in alabama is my favorite time of year.

  4. That's an old waterpump !
    Our leaves are still green too, very unusual !

  5. That old pump is very cool!



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