Saturday, June 09, 2012

Weekend Photohunt Clean-Graveyard

It been a while since I did any cleaning on the barn/shed. One of my goals for 2012 was to get the barn/shed clean and organized. It seem like it's been slow going. I want to use the items that I was trying to get rid of and have a yard sale. But I decided at this rate 'Wink Van Winkle” would been up from his nap ages ago. So it going to one of our local thrift stores.
I take one area in the barn/shed shelves pull everything out and get rid of 10%. This time 12 items are heading to one of our local thrift stores.

One thing I noticed on my job. Opinion time...Lot of my clients are hoarders. Plus I been ask if my children would be up set that I'm getting rid of there inheritance.
Murphy Grand mother Charlotte was a hoarder had lot of things like odds and end yarn like short pieces. Opinion time...This lady was a hoarder of trash. Well when she pass on. Lot of her things just got toss out of the windows in a bond fire. 

This is the newest graveyard. Which is about a mile from our home and usual when someone goes to town they end up going by it.
One day I was telling Bart what I want when I go, what to do with my body remains.
He told me when I kick the bucket in the house I live in...He was going tie a rope to me and drag my funky ass behind a rig and dig hole over at the neighborhood graveyard and throw me in
But I guess he going to have to sneak me over there because it an Orthodox graveyard and to be placed in there grave yard one must be orthodox
Editor Note...I couldn't get into the graveyard.
I understand they have some different Christian Custom then the majority of Christian burials...So I'm giving 3 links for those who want to read on it.

Next weekend photo hunts will be cooking and ripple


  1. Great take on both of the themes :)

  2. Indeed looks very different. I don't want to be burried ! I want to be incinerated and what they do with my ashes I don't care, lol !

  3. Everyone in my family is a hoarder from the current generation going on back. When cleaning out my grandmother's estate, we found used envelopes in the filing cabinets and a receipt from a drug store dating from the 30's.

  4. I don't think I'm a hoarder but I'm a pack rat: i.e., I give stuff I don't need away and make sure I take out paper, etc. to recycle -- but still I find myself keeping lots of stuff for "just in case"! ;b

  5. I'm a hoarder but often share with others, or just give stuff away when I get to much so haven't had a yard sale for years.

    But I think I'll sell that one boat instead of giving it away.

    I think I'll just take a boat to sea and set it on fire, never to be seen again. Don't want to be buried, this planet is for the living, not a bunch of dead fucks.

  6. Bill (BBC) actual I think cremation is what should be done with everyone remains...just taking up space.
    Not sure how to leave a COMMENT on your blog...have you thought of doing some form of Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author..just a suggestion.

  7. Bill (BBC) actual I think cremation is what should be done with everyone remains...just taking up space.
    Not sure how to leave a COMMENT on your blog...have you thought of doing some form of Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author..just a suggestion.

  8. You produced a most perfect post for both prompts this time around. Well done. I collect too many, guess I'm a hoarder. But I do try and clean out every 6 months. As for burials...I don't want to be alone in a graveyard...I am seriously thinking of donating my body to science. That way, my family I leave behind has no added expense. It's bad enough to go through a loss; and then on top of it all funeral/burial arrangements.

  9. Dora, I only have comments turned off because of that Leslie bitch that won't go away even though she isn't welcome at my blog and most other blogs. Tried comment moderation a few times but don't like it, takes up too much time.

  10. Anonymous4:03 AM

    I know what you mean about hoarders. ARGH Great shots for this week's theme.

  11. I am a hoarder myself. :P I have thrown away almost a ton of stuff whenever I move house.

    The graveyard seems huge.


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