Friday, June 22, 2012

It's Not All About the Wedding

Quenella had some vehicle trouble the head gasket went out. So Thursday I ran her around to do some small errands. She got Annie and David some gift for there weddings.
Statement time...If Annie attitude don't change toward being married...I'll be surprise it will last a year....unless they wake up and smell the turds.
Plus I help her on Web Site. Then took few moment and looked at her gardens.

Way before the wedding Annie had a real nasty attitude towards her mother Murphette. She been telling her mom that she couldn't show up early to the wedding or she would be kicked out. So I reminded her the wedding can't start until the brides-mother sits down.
Then soon as the wedding is over and before the reception start she and her friends mainly Quenella needs to leave.

I have to say when Murphette brother Joe and few of us straighten her around about her attitude. First of all I explain to her, us old lady which includes my self. Want to see the ceremony, see you cut the cake, get a bite to eat and see you open your gifts and we will be out of there.
Well she was civilized and a few times behind Quenella back she rolled her eyes. But in general her attitude didn't become an issue.
But few days before the wedding we did the tourist things and Annie and David rode with us. Someone from Annie church went on her mom facebook page and seen her religion was listed as Wiccan. As not going into lot of detail pretty much shit green twinkies.
I never seen or heard Murphette criticized or judged other peoples religious believes. 

The wedding went really well. First time I've been to a wedding that was that informal. The food was great it was a potluck.
The cake was even good. I had a piece of chocolate. Plus it was home-made. Most bakery cake with a few exception are just plain yucky. Statement time...Oh I wouldn't dare use the word “Yucky” around my mom.
I wouldn't think of showing up to a wedding with out a gift. But only four people brought present. We got the couple a toaster although it was a re-gift Christmas present.
One don't need to spend a lot. I gave a used cookbook from a thrift store and gave it at a bridal-shower.
Then one wedding we went to gave items for the bathroom including tooth brushes and paste.

The only real issue I saw was Quenella being bossy. She told the couple that her gifts needs to be open last. Sure they where nice gift but nothing fantastic.
Personal I would least open one of her gift first.
She doesn't boss me around. 

Well the wedding is over and the honeymoon is started. In about two weeks the everyday grind of married life is going to hit.
But before the wedding it seem she wasn't interested in nesting. I've always had some desire to nest and what I thought my life would be like didn't necessary worked out as I planned.
One of my cousin Murphette when she got married had desire to go with (sort of like her foster) great grand parents down to Yuma Arizona then be a wife.
Sometime I wonder if Annie has more desire to go to Hubbard Texas to be with her sister.
Well I guess there times I didn't mine nesting but I want to do it by my self.

Editor Notes...I want to have this posting up the 17th of June but my browser had issues.


  1. I haven't officiated at a wedding for a few years now. I'm beginning to think that guys shouldn't even marry modern women. :-)

  2. Its lovely! I can’t express how happy I am to marry the love of my life. He is also my childhood best friend and it feels very special. We picked up one of the best Seattle Wedding venues for the day. I just have to finalise the wedding dress and I am good to go.


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