Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's A Different Play

I'm surprise how well the stay with Murphette been. Everything she tried to get her self south seem like a monkey wrench was thrown in the works.
Now I think together we figure it out. Which is to send down the two kids first on the bus. But at first I thought I was going to have to loan or give her the differences in the money so they could go on the bus. I was some what worried about them not having a place to stay. They where staying up at his dad place and I guess his dad sister law has some issues with Annie.
I guess for the first week of July there staying with the youth pastor family that Annie attends.
Murphette gets one of her checks on the 29th which is $398 which isn't quite enough to go. But her other part of her check comes in on the 3rd of the month which will be $320.
I know I have to keep her children and her separate. Her daughter will demand or wine to her mom giving her things. She won't tell her daughter “No” and she will be come flat broke.
But I don't care if they visit but I don't want them together for any length of time.
It basely divide and conqueror. Keep it under control. Plus David family is piss me off. I can't see why the hell they can't help. Everyone can help in some way it might be a small bit. Shit he was ask to bring potato salad to the wedding and could mange to do that. Plus he get more on his disability then Murphette does.
Our sons were raised a lot different.

The garden is doing fairly well considering how much rain we had. The other day I thin out some of the beets. So for dinner we had fresh beet greens and left the tiny beets on. Actual can't remember what else we had for dinner that night.
Now we been keeping and eye on the strawberries there turning red.
My friend Alice gave me a call that a 2nd harvest food truck was parked at Lutheran Church in town giving away food. I was pretty much finishing up dishes and ran down got flat strawberries, frozen french fries, frozen mix veggies, apples, oranges, and cherries. The cherries and strawberries need be taken care of right away. About 10 minutes after I arrive home Murphy came home from work so he gave me a hand what needed to be taken care of.
We sort the good fruit from the bad fruit, we're dehydrating some cherries and strawberries save some fresh back to eat. Look like we will have strawberry short cake for dinner. But didn't

I went had my annual check up which is called “Well Woman Check Up” here in Idaho at this time if a family makes under $30,000 one can have physical for free.
I didn't need a pap this time around. I never had an abnormal pap so unless some thing comes up in the year 2013 or 14 will be my next one.
Now my last mammogram they found a nodular some what like a fatty growth. So sometime in July I'll go and have my boob smash.
All of my blood test came out normal. The only thing is my weight is the key issue.

We took a few minute and I told her that I was member of (T.O.P.S) gave her the run down. It a little under $30 a year for membership, 50¢ for dues each member, and .10¢ per pound one gains.
I ask her if there anything for “Well Men Check-up” like the “Well Woman Check Up” but not in the state of Idaho.

Last thing they gave me some poop cards. There really hemoccult cards. It non-intrusive for colonoscopy

Most medical things don't scare me. The bill scares the hell out of me. For years I never and went and had a mammogram. If I had anything serious like cancer I could loose the small bit we had. Any leans or debt we couldn't handle was medical.

Just recently Murphy got a job over at a tree farm that is own by my Aunt Bea. Anyhow Murphy is only working part time.
My Aunt is a nice person but she sure has some delusion about the work world.
She can't imagine in her wildest dream that majority of the employers are assholes. That one reason we live cheap. So we don't have to put up with there shit any longer then possible.
I know I got a bad attitude about work.

Editor Note...I been having trouble with our computer...didn't have a chance to do photo hunt. Pictures anything to up-load takes every and day. There something not right with connection and or browser.
Plus hubby is having nose bleed.

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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...