Sunday, April 08, 2012

What's Hoping Up For Spring

I rather celebrate Oster or the beginning of new life. Confession time...I'm not big fan on the part of the suffering on the me it's cheapens part of Christianity. I'll just drop the subject because I post about it years ago. Editor Note...I complete understand about Christ raising again part also.

We had an Easter lunch over at my in-law their the only one who has room enough for us and we can move about comfortable.
This time 3 meat where offered ham, lamb, and duck. Plus the side dishes that other brought. Murphy and I made a toss green salad.

Our niece Quincy made the Easter Cake and look at what she used peeps and m and m's I don't know what she was thinking she is mother of 5 kids ranging from freshman in high school down to a first grader. With all the sugar crap on the cake her kids ought be balancing off the walls. Gee the Easter Bunny will brought there basket full of candy.
Statement time...I like one peep let say for Easter and what other holiday. I believe there out for Halloween also but after that there pretty darn disgusting. 
Both Sawyer and Bart came up. I guess I can't control my self I made them and Easter bowl. Yes I said “an Easter bowl.” I got an nice glass mixing bowl and sat it on a muffin tin then fill the bowl up with odds and ends that they could use.
I even put some cat treats and cat nip in for Sawyer girl friend cats.
But the rest they'll need to figure how there going to divided it up. A least there not living at home and we won't have to listen them fight. Sibling brawling! If they where little I would got 2 basket or something to fill up pretty much the same for both boys.
Yesterday Murphy and I went for a short walk out I guess used to be the cattle summer pasture. But the owner will be planting it in oats and hopeful this fall he will let his cattle graze.
Confession time...I thought he only did the top part but I was wrong.
The reason we where out there is looking for antlers. Didn't find anything.
Right now there a few things new life happen around the place. See I think it better to celebrate new life. I guess that what spring is for.
Right now in my Hodge-podge flowers-bed there some tiny violet and one crocus in bloom. Other things are coming along nicely in the flowerbeds.
The seeds we start are now coming up. Can't recall which one but we don't really get into gardening until mid May around here.


  1. I don't do easter in any form, it's all so anal. I went camping, and came back with another gun. That idiot jesus should have packed a gun.

  2. I don't celebrate Easter, it's not popular in my country. I think the cake was pretty good-looking, don't like the suger-loaded part too. :D


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