Monday, April 30, 2012

Hey Willie Winkie, The Wean's In A Creel

I thought I would a lease feel old when my baby Bart turn 21 on the 25th. Both Murphy and I called him not to late in the day. My thought was “I didn't want to talk to someone who had a few to many drinks under his belt”
Well when I talk to him he was having a bowl of soup over at his brothers girl friend Marisa.
Since we basely called when he just got off work he was on his first Kokanee beer

On the post “Money statement drives me batty It not complete true we've not sitting it up for my sons. There doing just fine. We once was wipe out because of a medical bill. Sure I know people who had a lot bigger ones then us. It got taken care of. But I sure don't want it to happen again. Believe me in the state of Idaho they can attach to about everything you own and make your life a living hell.
The reason also seeing the lawyer is to make sure we are protected once again from any major medical bull-crap.
Statement time...I've always been for some type of socialize medicine...medicare and medicaid is socialize medicine.
Last year I believe it was later in the year. I tried to walk to end of the field. But someone close the gate during hunt season. Which start late summer or early fall. But I'm getting an earlier start this year. 

Finished planting 3 rolls of potatoes, last roll we put in Norlands which is deep red colored one.
Tied up our six red raspberry plants which should have been done earlier in the season.
Notice one little flower on the strawberries. Statement time..It doesn't mean anything, plants needs to grow more.
Now for the two flower beds I have. In the hodge-podge flower bed my few lilies I have there start to come up. I would guess nothing over an 3 inches in height.
Marked one of the purple easter-hyacinths so it can be moved into the royal sunshine flower-bed.
The tulips in that bed is maturing nicely and looks like one is about to bloom out.


  1. You come up with some interesting subject lines.

  2. Anonymous7:12 PM

    You're gardening looks like fun.. I'm an avid gardener too, though at the moment, the weeds have taken over... need to clear it out and plant my winter crops:) Thanks for stopping over...

  3. I'm looking at similar medical bill issues in Montana.

  4. As I grow older, my medical bills are also growing and almost every year, there is an increase in medical costs. Hard times.

  5. When hospitals can charge $10 for one Tylenol, you know there is going to be a problem. Thanks for the visit. I love your garden.

  6. Bill Sorry you been having trouble with a commentee. I can't say I'm total free of that but the one I had sent me an e-mail.
    But that was ages ago.

  7. the metal things in my garden are just ornaments, one has a clematis growing through it, the other two are there just because they add a bit of height and interest to the garden.

    Gill in Canada

  8. Hi, just popping over from The Maple Syrup Mob for that coffee you offered. The first pots we grew were Norland, they were really good new or old but our soil seems to grow russets better.We are having a few rainy days here, that should get everything going.
    Jane x

  9. Spring is moving in very slowly in Belgium too !


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 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...