Monday, November 21, 2011

Tirlin' At the Window, Crying at the Lock

Not sure it this is good or bad. But I can honestly say we're not happy about the drive line in the snow blower be messed up.
The sheer pin had to be replace so we went to Quality feed to get a pin. It cost us $2.30. So Murphy took it out for test run and the drive way didn't need clearing. So he hit a rock with blower.

I been doing a little thinking on holidays and stuff like gifts and cards. I haven't made up my mine how I'll be doing cards. For years I been sending out a weather report that I've been keeping for years now. Which I've stuck in the Christmas cards.
But it will get figured out.
As for gifts this year a few extra corners going to be cut. I figure for the older kids first grade and above will be getting mad lib
with a pencil or a pen. Plus adding a ornament will be fairly easy to do. If I figure right there should be 5 kids in this age group
Then for the younger ones it will be coloring book and crayon. Of course a coloring book. There two in this group.
For Thanksgiving we will be going over to Murphy Sister Faith Place she the only one who got room for all of us. To the best of my math there should be 17 to 28 there. Lot depends on the road there is 11 who lives out of the area. If it snowy Sawyer and Bart will be possible moving snow with there cousin Sam.
I had chance to talk with Faith on what needed to bring. But of course she was clueless. So I volunteered a fruit salad and some type of pie.
This morning I took Murphette to her doctor appointment. Her brain won't shut down and she isn't sleeping well. Opinion time....I think it's the way they eat. Gee a few days they sent me to the store and I didn't get one thing with any nutritional value.
Statement time...a least Thanksgiving dinner there more in nutritional value in that meal.

I got a note card in mail from my friend Finny who is two years older then me. She lost her job she sort of does the same-thing I do but in some-type of home for elderly. I just can't think of what it called but know it not a nursing home. Last time I talk to her she had something to do with there meds.
Her husband Cyrus lost his job sometime ago do to out sourcing. But never once could gain employment to do a learn trouble. Can barely read and never finished High School. So before he was 18 he went to work for Columbia Light Company. I would guess he was there for 30 years there about. He getting S.S.D and I believe his check is over $1,200 a month and under $1,500.
So my friend LaWalla is moving down to a little place outside of Tuscon, on the Mexican border. So tomorrow she parking one of her vehicle out with her friend place over by Black Mountain in the Paradise Valley area.


  1. The picture, hahaha

    For Thanksgiving we will be going over to Murphy Sister Faith Place

    I'll be in an enemy camp, on Thanksgiving Helen and I are going to the catholic church for a free dinner, we don’t have to love the religion to love a free meal and the company of others, if that makes us hypocrites in then we’re fucking hypocrites, we all are anyway. :-)

    Heck the way I look at it is that it's no different than when we snuck into enemy camps and stole their horses and cows, maybe a few of their women. :-)

  2. I don't think I'd ever get a snow blower, it's just another piece of equipment to take care of that breaks down.

    I get by just fine with the plow on the front of the riding mower, that I need anyway to cut the grass in the summer.

  3. not a nursing home, how about assisted living. that's what we call the stage before getting locked up in a nursing home.

    bill - i'll bet you could turn an egg beater into a snow thrower if you put your mind to it.


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Today Is Thursday, January 30, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Not much post. No photos. Around three in morning I keep waking up and my brain is full of thoughts. I keep thinking of great plans. Time t...