Saturday, August 06, 2011

Photo Hunt (Painted)

I've been working on my ceramics more and more since I quite one of my clients. This is the last piece I painted, a dragon.
I've been casting more pieces then painting. I'm trying to get anther load ready to fire. I don't like firing non filled kiln. It's to costly.
To be a visit other or to find out more info on Saturday photo hunt please visit our hostess TN CHICK
Next week theme is one .


  1. That is cute dragon not very much to be scared of ^_^


  2. Very nice indeed. Good take on the theme

  3. I'm pretty slack on spelling and grammar but you really could work on yours some. :-)

  4. That's a pretty piece of work. Can I have one? :)


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Today Is Thursday, January 30, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Not much post. No photos. Around three in morning I keep waking up and my brain is full of thoughts. I keep thinking of great plans. Time t...